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发表时间:2017-02-13 10:54:29点击:2584
WIWAM植物表型成像分析系统整合了LED植物智能培养、自动化控制系统、荧光成像测量分析(包括叶绿素、红荧光)、植物红外热成像分析、植物近红外成像分析、植物高光谱分析、自动条码识别管理、RGB真彩3D成像、激光3D成像自动称重与浇灌系统等多项先进技术,以较优化的方式实现大量植物样品——从拟南芥、水稻、玉米到各种其它植物的生理生态与形态结构成像分析,用于高通量植物表型成像分析测量、植物胁迫响应成像分析测量、植物生长分析测量、生态毒理学研究、性状识别及植物生理生态分析研究等。作为先进家将大规模自动化理念和工业级零件和设备整合入植物成像系统的厂家,SMO公司在植物表型成像分析领域处于先进的技术前列,大面积叶绿素荧光成像系统使WIWAM成为植物表型分析与功能成像领域较为先进的仪器设备,植物生长、胁迫响应等测量参数达几百个。先进耐用的工业级部件使系统非常耐用,基本免维护,与同类产品相比,特点突出。目前WIWAM植物表型平台分为WIWAM XY,WIWAM Line以及WIWAM Conveyor 等系列。
以下文章为Ghent大学Stijn Dhondt,Nathalie Wuyts和 Dirk Inze教授联合撰写。
Cell to whole-plant phenotyping: The best is yet to come
Trends in Plant Science
Stijn Dhondt1,2*, Nathalie Wuyts1,2*, and Dirk Inze´ 1,2
1 Department of Plant Systems Biology, VIB, Technologiepark 927, 9052 Gent, Belgium
2 Department of Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Ghent University, Technologiepark 927, 9052 Gent, Belgium
Imaging and image processing have revolutionized plant phenotyping and are now a major tool for phenotypic trait measurement. Here we review plant phenotyping systems by examining three important characteristics: throughput, dimensionality, and resolution. First, whole-plant phenotyping systems are highlighted to- gether with advances in automation that enable signifi- cant throughput increases. Organ and cellular level phenotyping and its tools, often operating at a lower throughput, are then discussed as a means to obtain high-dimensional phenotypic data at elevated spatial and temporal resolution. The significance of recent developments in sensor technologies that give access to plant morphology and physiology-related traits is shown. Overall, attention is focused on spatial and tem- poral resolution because these are crucial aspects of imaging procedures in plant phenotyping systems.
Plant phenotyping is a complex matter involving a plethora of systems and tools
‘Phenomics’ has been proposed as a novel discipline in biology and involves the gathering of high-dimensional phenotypic data at multiple levels of organization, to prog- ress towards the full characterization of the complete set of phenotypes of a genome, in analogy with whole genome sequencing [1]. This ultimate aim will of course remain hypothetical; however, current and future developments in plant phenotyping and phenomics may benefit from the consideration of dimensionality, together with throughput and resolution, because our comprehension of plant process- es in general, and the genotype–phenotype relationship in particular, is far from complete (Box 1). Plant phenotypes are inherently complex because they result from the inter- action of genotypes with a multitude of environmental factors. This interaction influences on the one hand the developmental program and growth of plants, which can be described by means of structural traits, and, on the other hand, plant functioning, described by means of physiological traits (Figure 1). Both the structural and physiological traits eventually determine plant performance in terms of bio- mass and yield. Phenotypic traits at different organizational levels or in different categories may show high correlations (dependent variation) in one particular or in multiple envir- onments. If robust, these may reduce the complexity of phenotyping (i.e., the number of different traits to be mea- sured), but whether this is wanted depends on the biological question [2].
The biological question under investigation largely determines the phenotypic traits of interest and conse- quently the phenotyping system and tools. It may be exploratory in nature, meaning that the number of traits is limited by the phenotyping system itself and to what isPlant phenotyping A plant phenotype is the set of structural, physiological, and performance-related traits of a genotype in a given environment. Plant phenotyping is the act of determining the quantitative or qualitative values of these traits. Given that a phenome consists in principle – of the set of all possible phenotypes of a given genotype, plant phenomics could be considered as the study of phenomes of multiple genotypes. Besides providing the tools to perform phenotyp- ing itself, plant phenotyping systems usually comprise the means to grow plants in certain environments, which are either defined and controlled, or semi-controlled, or uncontrolled and measured. The characteristics of the phenotyping system determine its capacity in terms of the number of genotypes and the range of environmental conditions or treatments and, thus, its suitability for phenomics. Phenotyping systems can be described by means of throughput,resolution, and dimensionality