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发表时间:2022-04-07 10:10:07点击:1362




刺槐具有明显的固氮能力、快速的初始生长和相对较高的耐旱性,在土地复垦中发挥着重要作用。因此,我们于2014年3月在露天褐煤矿Welzow-Süd(南勃兰登堡)内进行了一项试验,测试了12个刺槐无性系和三个种源,它们生长在砂质覆盖层材料上。从那时起,研究人员利用叶绿素a荧光和Dualex®测量技术对刺槐树的生物量生长进行了检测,并多次对其生理性能进行了研究。植物生理测量显示光合活力(PIABS)存在差异,尽管PIABS值在整个地块上遵循类似的模式和序列。Fra3和Roy基因型表现出最高光合活力,而Rog和Rob克隆的PIABS平均值最低。试验树木的叶绿素和酚含量以及营养供应因其产地和立地条件而异。年生物量增长率与光合活力相对应,两者都取决于生长季节的天气条件。六年后,生物量增加到14.7毫克/公顷−1个用于克隆Rob和44.8 Mg d.m.ha−1用于克隆Fra3,即2.5至7.5 Mg d.m.ha−1年−1.我们的数据表明,生物物理参数与生物量增长之间存在良好的相关性。因此,我们推断,生理测量方法可以结合起来,以加强对刺槐起源的生理表现的预测。

关键词:刺槐 L光合活力;叶绿素和酚含量;营养供应;干物质产量;土地复垦



Physiological Performance and Biomass Growth of Different Black Locust Origins Growing on a Post-Mining Reclamation Site in Eastern Germany


Black Locust/Robinia can play an important role in land reclamation due to its pronounced nitrogen fixation capability, fast initial growth and relative high drought tolerance. Hence, we set up a trial to test 12 Black Locust clones and three provenances growing on sandy overburden material within the open cast lignite mine Welzow-Süd (South Brandenburg) in March 2014. Since then, biomass growth of the Black Locust trees was examined and physiological performance was studied on several occasions using chlorophyll a fluorescence and Dualex® measuring technique. Plant physiological measurements revealed differences in photosynthetic vitality (PIABS), although the PIABS values followed a similar pattern and sequences across the plot. While the genotypes Fra3 and Roy show the highest photosynthetic vitality, the clones Rog and Rob display the lowest PIABS mean values. Chlorophyll and phenol content as well as the nutrition supply of the test trees vary depending on their origin and site conditions. The annual biomass growth rate corresponds to photosynthetic vitality and both depend on weather conditions during the growing season. After six years, the growing biomass amounts to 14.7 Mg d.m. ha−1 for clone Rob and 44.8 Mg d.m. ha−1 for clone Fra3, i.e., 2.5 to 7.5 Mg d.m. ha−1 year−1. Our data demonstrate a good correlation between biophysical parameters and biomass growth. We, thus, infer that physiological measuring methods can be combined to strengthen predictions regarding the physiological performance of Black Locust origins.

Keywords: Robinia pseudoacacia L.; photosynthetic vitality; chlorophyll and phenol content; nutrition supply; dry matter yield; land reclamation

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