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1 December 2017

Authors : Liu, Shouyang; Baret, Fred; Abichou, Mariem; Boudon, Fred; Thomas, Samuel; Zhao, Kaiguang; Fournier, Christian; Andrieu, Bruno; Irfan, Kamran; Hemmerle, Matthieu; de Solan, Benoit | Abstract : The use of active remote sensing techniques based on light detection and ranging (LiDAR) was investigated here to estimate the green area


High-Throughput Phenotyping of Plant Height: Comparing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Ground LiDAR Estimates

1 November 2017

Authors : Madec, Simon; Baret, Fred; de Solan, Benoit; Thomas, Samuel; Dutartre, Dan; Jezequel, Stephane; Hemmerle, Matthieu; Colombeau, Gallian; Comar, Alexis | Abstract : The capacity of LiDAR and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to provide plant height estimates as a high-throughput plant phenotyping trait was explored. An experiment over wheat


Combining hectometric and decametric satellite observations to provide near real time decametric FAPAR product

1 October 2017

Authors : Li, Wenjuan; Baret, Frederic; Weiss, Marie; Buis, Samuel; Lacaze, Roselyne; Demarez, Valerie; Dejoux, Jean-francois; Battude, Marjorie; Camacho, Fernando | Abstract : A wide range of ecological, agricultural, hydrological and meteorological applications at local to regional scales requires decametric biophysical data. However, before the launch of SENTINEL-2A, only few


Estimating leaf chlorophyll content in sugar beet canopies using millimeter- to centimeter-scale reflectance imagery

1 September 2017

Authors : Yan Guangjian; Hu Ronghai; Luo Jinghui; Marie, Weiss; Jiang Hailan; Mu Xihan; Xie Donghui; Zhang Wuming | Abstract : Accurate estimation of leaf chlorophyll content (Cab) from remote sensing is of tremendous significance to monitor the physiological status of vegetation or to estimate primary production. Many vegetation indices 


Reassessment of the temperature-emissivity separation from multispectral thermal infrared data: Introducing the impact of vegetation canopy by simulating the cavity effect with the SAIL-Thermique model

1 July 2017

Authors : Jacob, Frederic; Lesaignoux, Audrey; Olioso, Albert; Weiss, Marie; Caillault, Karine; Jacquemoud, Stephane; Nerry, Francoise; French, Andrew; Schmugge, Thomas; Briottet, Xavier; Lagouarde, Jean-Pierre | Abstract : We investigated the use of multispectral thermal imagery to retrieve land surface emissivity and temperature. Conversely to concurrent methods, the temperature emissivity separation


Estimates of plant density of wheat crops at emergence from very low altitude UAV imagery

1 June 2017

Authors : Jin, Xiuliang; Liu, Shouyang; Baret, Frederic; Hemerle, Matthieu; Comar, Alexis | Abstract : Plant density is useful variable that determines the fate of the wheat crop. The most commonly used method for plant density quantification is based on visual counting from ground level. The objective of this study


Estimation of Wheat Plant Density at Early Stages Using High Resolution Imagery

1 May 2017

Authors : Liu, Shouyang; Baret, Fred; Andrieu, Bruno; Burger, Philippe; Hemmerle, Matthieu | Abstract : Crop density is a key agronomical trait used to manage wheat crops and estimate yield. Visual counting of plants in the field is currently the most common method used. However, it is tedious and time


A method to estimate plant density and plant spacing heterogeneity: Application to wheat crops

1 May 2017

Authors : Yan Guangjian; Hu Ronghai; Luo Jinghui; Marie, Weiss; Jiang Hailan; Mu Xihan; Xie Donghui; Zhang Wuming | Abstract : Background: Plant density and its non-uniformity drive the competition among plants as well as with weeds. They need thus to be estimated with small uncertainties accuracy. An optimal sampling


Using 3D Point Clouds Derived from UAV RGB Imagery to Describe Vineyard 3D Macro- Structure

1 January 2017

Authors : Weiss, Marie; Baret, Frederic | Abstract : In the context of precision viticulture, remote sensing in the optical domain offers a potential way to map crop structure characteristics, such as vegetation cover fraction, row orientation or leaf area index, that are later used in decision support tools. A



Estimation of Biophysical Variables from Satellite Observations

1 December 2016

Authors : Baret, Frederic | Abstract : The supply of biophysical variables derived from satellite observations serves several applications related to agriculture, the environment, resource management and the climate. Moreover, these same variables may be acquired at a range of scales:. -at the very local level, the use of precision


Temporal Techniques in Remote Sensing of Global Vegetation

1 November 2016

Authors : Verger, Aleixandre; Kandasamy, Sivasathivel; Baret, Frederic | Abstract : Time series processing is an important ingredient of a biophysical algorithm in order to get the expected continuous and smooth dynamics required by many applications. Several temporal techniques have been proposed to reduce noise and fill gaps in the 


Data Service Platform for Sentinel-2 Surface Reflectance and Value-Added Products: System Use and Examples

1 November 2016

Authors : Vuolo, Francesco; Zoltak, Mateusz; Pipitone, Claudia; Zappa, Luca; Wenng, Hannah; Immitzer, Markus; Weiss, Marie; Baret, Frederic; Atzberger, Clement | Abstract : This technical note presents the first Sentinel-2 data service platform for obtaining atmospherically-corrected images and generating the corresponding value-added products for any land surface on Earth. Using 


Toward Standardization of Vegetation Indices

1 October 2016

Authors : Steven, Michael D.; Malthus, Timothy J.; Baret, Frederic | Abstract : No abstract.


Applying remote sensing expertise to crop improvement: progress and challenges to scale up high throughput field phenotyping from research to industry

10 June 2016

Authors : Gouache, David; Beauchene, Katia; Mini, Agathe; Fournier, Antoine; de Solan, Benoit; Baret, Fred; Comar, Alexis | Abstract : Digital and image analysis technologies in greenhouses have become commonplace in plant science research and started to move into the plant breeding industry. However, the core of plant breeding work


Forest species mapping using airborne hyperspectral APEX data

1 January 2016

Authors : Tagliabue, Giulia; Panigada, Cinzia; Colombo, Roberto; Fava, Francesco; Cilia, Chiara; Baret, Frederic; Vreys, Kristin; Meuleman, Koen; Rossini, Micol | Abstract : The accurate mapping of forest species is a very important task in relation to the increasing need to better understand the role of the forest ecosystem within

2014 - 2015 


A Generic Algorithm to Estimate LAI, FAPAR and FCOVER Variables from SPOT4 HRVIR and Landsat Sensors: Evaluation of the Consistency and Comparison with Ground Measurements

1 November 2015

Authors : Li, Wenjuan; Weiss, Marie; Waldner, Francois; Defourny, Pierre; Demarez, Valerie; Morin, David; Hagolle, Olivier; Baret, Frederic | Abstract : The leaf area index (LAI) and the fraction of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by

green vegetation (FAPAR) are essential climatic variables in surface process models. FCOVER is also important


Green area index from an unmanned aerial system over wheat and rapeseed crops

1 September 2014

Authors : Verger, Aleixandre; Vigneau, Nathalie; Cheron, Corentin; Gilliot, Jean-Marc; Comar, Alexis; Baret, Frederic | Abstract : Unmanned airborne systems (UAS) technology opens new horizons in precision agriculture for effective characterization of the variability in crop state at high spatial resolution and high revisit frequency. Green area index (GAI) is

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