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Scientific Papers



High-Throughput Measurements of Stem Characteristics to Estimate Ear Density and Above-Ground Biomass

30 May 2019

Authors : Xiuliang Jin; Simon Madec; Dan Dutartre; Benoit de Solan; Alexis Comar; Frédéric Baret | Abstract : Total above-ground biomass at harvest and ear density are two important traits that characterize wheat genotypes. Two experiments were carried out in two different sites where several genotypes were grown under contrasted



Review of Indirect Optical Measurements of Leaf Area Index: Recent Advances, Challenges, and Perspectives

15 February 2019

Authors : Yan Guangjian; Hu Ronghai; Luo Jinghui; Marie, Weiss; Jiang Hailan; Mu Xihan; Xie Donghui; Zhang Wuming | Abstract : Leaf area index (LAI) is a key parameter of vegetation structure in the fields of agriculture, forestry, and ecology. Optical indirect methods based on the Beer-Lambert law are widely


Ear Density Estimation from High Resolution RGB Imagery using Deep Learning Technique

15 January 2019

Authors : Madec, Simon; Jin, Xiuliang; Lu, Hao; De Solan, Benoit; Liu, Shouyang; Duyme, Florent; Heritier, Emmanuelle; Baret, Frederic | Abstract : Wheat ear density estimation is an appealing trait for plant breeders. Current manual counting is tedious and inefficient. In this study we investigated the potential of convolutional neural



MARMIT: A Multilayer Radiative Transfer Model of Soil Reflectance to Estimate Surface Soil Moisture Content in the Solar Domain (400–2500 nm)

1 November 2018

Authors : Bablet, A.; Vu, P. V. H.; Jacquemoud, S.; Viallefont-Robinet, F.; Fabre, S.; Briottet, X.; Sadeghi, M.; Whiting, M. L.; Baret, F.; Tian, J. | Abstract : Surface soil moisture content (SMC) is known to impact soil reflectance at all wavelengths of the solar spectrum. As a consequence, many


Retrieval of the canopy chlorophyll content from Sentinel-2 spectral bands to estimate nitrogen uptake in intensive winter wheat cropping systems

1 October 2018

Authors : Delloye, Cindy; Weiss, Marie; Defourny, Pierre | Abstract : One of the most common approaches to reducing the environmental impact of nitrogen (N) fertilisation in intensive agrosystems is to adjust the N input of the crop requirement. This adjustment is frequently related to the nitrogen nutrition index (NNI)


Monitoring Forest Phenology and Leaf Area Index with the Autonomous, Low-Cost Transmittance Sensor PASTiS-57

10 July 2018

Authors : Brede, Benjamin; Gastellu-Etchegorry, Jean-Philippe; Lauret, Nicolas; Baret, Frederic; Clevers, Jan G. P. W.; Verbesselt, Jan; Herold, Martin | Abstract : Land Surface Phenology (LSP) and Leaf Area Index (LAI) are important variables that describe the photosynthetically active phase and capacity of vegetation. Both are derived on the global


A Surface Albedo Product at High Spatial Resolution from a Combination of Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Observations

1 July 2018

Authors : Roujean, Jean-Louis; Olioso, Albert; Ceschia, Eric; Hagolle, Olivier; Weiss, Marie | Abstract : Satellite Sentinel-2 offers a global coverage of the Earth at the frequency of a few days with pixel size ranging from 10 to 20 meters. Such spatio-temporal resolution fosters an advanced research in agriculture. Accounting


First Evaluation of Land Surface Emissivity Spectra Simulated with the Sail-Thermique Model

1 July 2018

Authors : Olioso, Albert; Jacob, Frederic; Weiss, Marie | Abstract : The SAIL-Thermique model was developed to simulate land surface emissivity. It is adapted from the original SAIL model. A specific experiment was set-up over a soybean canopy for evaluating spectral emissivity simulations. Multispectral data were obtained thanks to a


Leaf-rolling in Maize Crops: From Leaf Scoring to Canopy-level Measurements for Phenotyping

27 April 2018

Authors : Brede, Benjamin; Gastellu-Etchegorry, Jean-Philippe; Lauret, Nicolas; Baret, Frederic; Clevers, Jan G. P. W.; Verbesselt, Jan; Herold, Martin | Abstract : Land Surface Phenology (LSP) and Leaf Area Index (LAI) are important variables that describe the photosynthetically active phase and capacity of vegetation. Both are derived on the global


Modeling the spatial distribution of plants on the row for wheat crops: Consequences on the green fraction at the canopy level

1 April 2018

Authors : Liu, Shouyang; Baret, Frederic; Andrieu, Bruno; Abichou, Mariem; Allard, Denis; de Solan, Benoit; Burger, Philippe | Abstract : This work investigates the spatial distribution of wheat plants and its consequences on the canopy structure. A set of RGB images were taken from nadir on a total 14 plots


Estimation of leaf traits from reflectance measurements: comparison between methods based on vegetation indices and several versions of the PROSPECT model

20 March 2018

Authors : Jiang, Jingyi; Comar, Alexis; Burger, Philippe; Bancal, Pierre; Weiss, Marie; Baret, Frederic | Abstract : Background: Leaf biochemical composition corresponds to traits related to the plant state and its functioning. This study puts the emphasis on the main leaf absorbers: chlorophyll a and b (C-ab), carotenoids (C-c), water


A 30+ Year AVHRR Land Surface Reflectance Climate Data Record and Its Application to Wheat Yield Monitoring

1 March 2018

Authors : Franch, Belen; Vermote, Eric F.; Roger, Jean-Claude; Murphy, Emilie; Becker-Reshef, Inbal; Justice, Chris; Claverie, Martin; Nagol, Jyoteshwar; Csiszar, Ivan; Meyer, Dave; Baret, Frederic; Masuoka, Edward; Wolfe, Robert; Devadiga, Sadashiva | Abstract : The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) sensor provides a unique global remote sensing dataset that



Estimating wheat green area index from ground-based LiDAR measurement using a 3D canopy structure model

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