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1、Comparison of Proximal Remote Sensing Devices of Vegetable Crops to Determine the Role of Grafting in Plant Resistance to Meloidogyne incognita

2、Combining leaf fluorescence and active canopy reflectance sensing technologies to diagnose maize nitrogen status across growth stages

3.Residual effect of calcium silicate on the management of soybean diseases

4.Dataset of above and below ground traits assessed in Durum wheat cultivars grown under Mediterranean environments differing in water and temperature …

5.Exploring hyperspectral reflectance indices for the estimation of water and nitrogen status of spinach

6.Winter Wheat Nitrogen Estimation Based on Ground-Level and UAV-Mounted Sensors

7.Differential Expression of 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate Synthase and Oxidase Gene Family in Micro-Tom Tomato Leaves and Roots Under Short Daily UV …

8.Tıbbi Adaçayı (Salvia officinalis L.)'ında Bor Toksisitesi ve Rizobakteri (PGPR) Uygulamalarının Fide Gelişimi ve Fizyolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri

9.Response of Poplar and Associated Fungal Endophytic Communities to a PAH Contamination Gradient

10.A comparison of field assessment methods for lucerne inoculation experiments

11.Growth analysis of the everbearing strawberry 'Delizzimo'under controlled temperature and photoperiod conditions

12.Effects of Melatonin on Tomato Infected with Root-knot Nematode Meloidogyne incognita

13.Heritability of Morphophysiological Traits in Popcorn for Drought Tolerance and Their Use as Breeding Indicators of Superior Genotypes

14.Suivi non destructif de l'indice de nutrition azotée par proxi-et télédétection en vue d'un pilotage dynamique et spatialisé de la fertilisation azotée du blé tendre

15.Physiological Performance and Biomass Growth of Different Black Locust Origins Growing on a Post-Mining Reclamation Site in Eastern Germany

16.Leaf and Canopy Traits Associated with Stay-Green Expression Are Closely Related to Yield Components of Wheat Genotypes with Contrasting Tolerance to Water …

17.Freezing induces an increase in leaf spectral transmittance of forest understorey and alpine forbs

18.Differences in pigment circadian rhythmicity in green-and red-leafed tree species in the sun and shade

19.Effect of rhizobacteria and microalgae treatments on some physiological and biochemical parameters of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) grown under …

20.Assessment of leaf photosynthetic performances and bioaccumulation of trace metals by lettuce leaves and strawberry fruits amended with sewage sludge: Which …

21.Assessment of crop traits retrieved from airborne hyperspectral and thermal remote sensing imagery to predict wheat grain protein content

AR Longmire, T Poblete, JR Hunt, D Chen… - ISPRS Journal of …, 2022 - Elsevier

22.Potential involvement of proline and flavonols in plant responses to ozone

23.Detecting Xylella fastidiosa in a machine learning framework using Vcmax and leaf biochemistry quantified with airborne hyperspectral imagery

24.Assessing a soil-removed semi-empirical model for estimating leaf chlorophyll content

25.Evaluating the role of solar-induced fluorescence (SIF) and plant physiological traits for leaf nitrogen assessment in almond using airborne hyperspectral imagery

26.Circular hazelnut protection by lignocellulosic waste valorization for nanopesticides development

27.Impact on leaf morphology of Vitis vinifera L. cvs. Riesling and Cabernet Sauvignon under Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment (FACE)

28.Composted Solid Digestate and Vineyard Winter Prunings Partially Replace Peat in Growing Substrates for Micropropagated Highbush Blueberry in the Nursery

29.Monitoring nitrogen variability in two Mediterranean ornamental shrubs through proximal fluorescence-based sensors at leaf and canopy level

30.Nitrogen Balance Index Prediction of Winter Wheat by Canopy Hyperspectral Transformation and Machine Learning

31.UV radiation and drought interact differently in grass and forb species of a mountain grassland

32.Estimating leaf nitrogen content by coupling a nitrogen allocation model with canopy reflectance


34.How Rootstocks Impact the Scion Vigour and Vine Performance of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Tempranillo

35.Enhancing in vitro growth of wheat seedlings under water stress using biopriming

37.The phytoextraction power of Cichorium intybus L. on metal-contaminated soil: Focus on time-and cultivar-depending accumulation and distribution of cadmium, lead …

38.Leaf Nitrogen Assessment with ISS DESIS Imaging Spectrometer as Compared to High-Resolution Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery

39.Interaction between growth environment and host progeny shape fungal endophytic assemblages in transplanted Fagus sylvatica

40.Combining Different Transformations of Ground Hyperspectral Data with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Images for Anthocyanin Estimation in Tree Peony Leaves

41.Phenotyping to dissect the biostimulant action of a protein hydrolysate in tomato plants under combined abiotic stress

42.Evaluation of the growth, storage root yield, proximate composition, and mineral content of colored sweet potato genotypes

43.Understorey light quality affects leaf pigments and leaf phenology in different plant functional types

44.The content of photosynthetic pigments in the leaves of «healthy» and «weakened» balsam poplar trees (Populus balsamifera L.) growing under conditions of …

45.Wood production and nutritional and antioxidant status of field-grown Eucalyptus under a differential supply of lime and copper plus zinc

46.An uncommon garden experiment: microenvironment has stronger influence on phenotypic variation than epigenetic memory in the clonal Lombardy poplar

47.Leaf Functional Traits of Invasive Grasses Conferring High-Cadmium Adaptation Over Natives

48.Irrigation Frequency and Volume has Little Influence on Phytophthora Root Rot in Container-grown Rhododendron

49.Microplastics from shoe sole fragments cause oxidative stress in a plant (Vigna radiata) and impair soil environment

50.Toxicity assessment of tire particles released from personal mobilities (bicycles, cars, and electric scooters) on soil organisms

51.Does Uv Radiation Mitigate the Negative Effects of Water Deficit Differently in Grass and Herb Species in the Mountain Grassland?

52.Biochar as a soil amendment in the tree establishment phase: What are the consequences for tree physiology, soil quality and carbon sequestration?

53.Effects of rhizobacteria and algal species on physiological and biochemical parameters in Calendula officinalis L. under different irrigation regimes

54.Zinc biofortification of hydroponic mustard microgreens grown under different red and blue LED lighting ratios

55.Urban conditions affect soil characteristics and physiological performance of three evergreen woody species

56. The Influence of Hydrocarbon-Oxidizing Auxin-Producing Bacteria on the Growth, Biochemical Parameters, and Hormonal Status of Barley Plants in the Process of …

57.Effects of post-flowering heat and drought stresses on physiology, yield, and quality in maize (Zea mays L.)

58.Nitrate Leaching in Maize (Zea mays L.) and Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Irrigated Cropping Systems under Nitrification Inhibitor and/or Intercropping Effects

59.Genetic control of source–sink relationships in grain sorghum

60.Transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses reveal the altitude adaptability and evolution of different-colored flowers in alpine Rhododendron species

61.The Effects of Nano-copper,-molybdenum,-boron, and-silica on Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Growth, Antioxidant Properties, and Mineral Uptake

62.Integrated physiological and metabolomic analyses of the effect of potassium fertilizer on Citrus fruit splitting

63.Additive Effects of Heatwave and Water Stresses on Soybean Seed Yield is Caused by Impaired Carbon Assimilation at Pod Formation but not at Flowering 

64.Investigating the Effects of Low-Dose UV-B and Ambient Temperature on Dark-Induced Leaf Senescence in Arabidopsis

65.Ornamental cauliflower production using growth regulator

66.Leaf morphology, wax composition, and residual (cuticular) transpiration of four poplar clones

67.Evaluation of SIF retrievals from narrow-band and sub-nanometer airborne hyperspectral imagers flown in tandem: Modelling and validation in the context of plant …

68.Shedding Light on Modern Urban Led Streetlamp/Tree Species Interactions: Friends or Foes?

69.The response of mesophyll conductance to ozone-induced oxidative stress is genotype-dependent in poplar

70.Drought, Low Nitrogen Stress, and Ultraviolet-B Radiation Effects on Growth, Development, and Physiology of Sweetpotato Cultivars during Early Season

71.Microbial Inoculation Improves Growth, Nutritional and Physiological Aspects of Glycine max (L.) Merr.

72.Physiological and Antioxidant Response to Different Water Deficit Regimes of Flag Leaves and Ears of Wheat Grown under Combined Elevated CO2 and High …

73.Effects of drought and heat stresses during reproductive stage on pollen germination, yield, and leaf reflectance properties in maize (Zea mays L.)

74.Hyperspectral Reflectance and Machine Learning Approaches for the Detection of Drought and Root–Knot Nematode Infestation in Cotton

75.Adaptive divergence generates distinct plastic responses in two closely related Senecio species

76.Effect of microfibers combined with UV-B and drought on plant community

77.Control of Meloidogyne javanica with Pleurotus djamor spent mushroom substrate

78.Advances in the estimations and applications of critical nitrogen dilution curve and nitrogen nutrition index of major cereal crops. A review

79.Medicago sativa and M. tunetana reveal contrasting physiological and metabolic responses to drought

80.N and P use efficiencies of basil cultivated in organically fertilized growing media

81.Humic Acid Alleviates Fe Chlorosis in Graminaceous Plants Through Coordinated Fe-Dependent and Fe-Independent Mechanisms

82.Woody invaders from contrasted climatic origins distribute differently across the urban-to-rural gradient in oceanic Europe–Is it trait-related?

83.Dominant and Priming Role of Waterlogging in Tomato at e[CO2] by Multivariate Analysis

84.Evaluating the physiological and biochemical responses of melon plants to NaCl salinity stress using supervised and unsupervised statistical analysis

85.Identification of Potential Pathways of Morella cerifera Seedlings in Response to Alkali Stress via Transcriptomic Analysis

86.Optimization of protocol for construction of fungal ITS amplicon library for high-throughput illumina sequencing to study the mycobiome of aspen leaves

87.Effects of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) Strain Bacillus licheniformis with Biochar Amendment on Potato Growth and Water Use Efficiency under …

88.Is Disease Induced by Flooding Representative of Nursery Conditions in Rhododendrons Infected with Phytophthora cinnamomi or P. plurivora?

89.MicroRNA840 (MIR840) accelerates leaf senescence by targeting the overlapping 3′UTRs of PPR and WHIRLY3 in Arabidopsis thaliana

90.Heterosis and reciprocal effects for physiological and morphological traits of popcorn plants under different water conditions

91.Both major QTL and plastid‐based inheritance of intumescence in diverse tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) RIL populations under different light conditions


Legume Winter Cover Crop (Persian Clover) Reduces Nitrogen Requirement and Increases Grain Yield in Specialized Irrigated Hybrid Rice System

93.Comparing Efficacy of Different Biostimulants for Hydroponically Grown Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)

94.Differential tolerance of four tree species to glyphosate and mesotrione used in agrosilvopastoral systems

95.Response of spinach plants to different doses of two commercial nanofertilizers

96.Cadmium Accumulation in a Tropicalized Lettuce Variety Under Overfertilization Simulation

97.Genetic Yield Gains and Changes in Morphophysiological-Related Traits of Winter Wheat in Southern Chilean High-Yielding Environments

98.The Application of a Bio-Stabilized Municipal Solid Waste-Based Fertilizer for Buckwheat Production

99.Zinc and methyl jasmonate modulate the growth and the volatile compounds of the'Albahaca Dante'basil cultivated'in vitro'

100.Trade‐off between plant resistance and tolerance to herbivory: Mechanical defenses outweigh chemical defenses

101. Durum wheat ideotypes in Mediterranean environments differing in water and temperature conditions

102. Handheld Multifunctional Fluorescence Imager for Non-invasive Plant Phenotyping

103.High-throughput sequencing data revealed genotype-specific changes evoked by heat stress in crown tissue of barley sdw1 near-isogenic lines

104.Low-and High-Temperature Phenotypic Diversity of Brassica carinata Genotypes for Early-Season Growth and Development

105.Populus × canescens root suberization in reaction to osmotic and salt stress is limited to the developing younger root tip region

106.Interactive effects of nitrogen, UV and PAR on barley morphology and biochemistry are associated with the leaf C: N balance

107.Condensed tannins as antioxidants that protect poplar against oxidative stress from drought and UV‐B

108.Differential Metabolic Responses of Lettuce Grown in Soil, Substrate and Hydroponic Cultivation Systems under NH4+/NO3− Application

109.Involvement of sugar and abscisic acid in the genotype-specific response of rose to far-red light

110.Machine learning techniques for early identification of nitrogen variability in maize

111.Hidden genetic variation in plasticity provides the potential for rapid adaptation to novel environments

112.Cultivar-Specific Assessments of Almond Nutritional Status through Foliar Analysis

113.Use of fluorescence indices as predictors of crop N status and yield for greenhouse sweet pepper crops

114.Climate Stressors on Growth, Yield, and Functional Biochemistry of two Brassica Species, Kale and Mustard

115.Impacts of elevation on plant traits and volatile organic compound emissions in deciduous tundra shrubs

116.Ecological and evolutionary drivers of phenotypic and genetic variation in the European crabapple (Malus sylvestris (L.) Mill.), a wild relative of the cultivated apple

117.Alleviation of low phosphorus stress in Eucalyptus grandis by arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis and excess Mn

118.EstimationStatusin of Nitrogen

119.Increased cuticular wax deposition does not change residual foliar transpiration

120.The multiway support of phytoremediation efficiency of soil historically co-contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons and heavy metals using Zea mays

121. Does tomato breeding for improved performance under LED supplemental lighting make sense?

122.Optimal Nutrient Solution and Dose for the Yield of Nuclear Seed Potatoes under Aeroponics

123.Mum is Always Right–Different Growth Light Colours Differentially Regulate Morphology, Physiology and Metabolism of Chrysanthemum Morifolium Without Affecting …

124.Estimating plant nitrogen content in tomato using a smartphone

125.Source-Sink Dynamics in Field-Grown Durum Wheat Under Contrasting Nitrogen Supplies: Key Role of Non-Foliar Organs During Grain Filling.

126.Kuraklık Stresi Altında Yetiştirilen Bakla (Vicia Faba L.) Bitkisinde Rizobakteri ve Alg Uygulamalarının Bitki Gelişimi Üzerindeki Etkilerinin İncelenmesi

127.The Multiway Support of Phytoremediation Efficiency of Soil that Has Been Historically Co-Contaminated with Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Heavy Metals Using Zea …

128.Physiological and production performance of maize and soybean in crop-livestock-forest integration system under hydrogel rates and nitrogen and potassium …

129.Imbalance of water potential and photosynthetic efficiency in the parasitic relationship between Struthanthus flexicaulis and Baccharis dracunculifolia

130.Effect of Hyacinth Treatment by Hydrogen Peroxide Stabilized with Silver and Some Fungicides on the Fungal Infection of Substrate and Bulbs and on Plant Growth …

131.The Influence of End-of-Day Blue Light on the Growth, Photosynthetic, and Metabolic Parameters of Lettuce at Different Development Stages

132.Ecofisiología de las violetas del Teide

133.Estimation of Nitrogen Status in Plants

134.The plastid-nucleus localized DNA-binding protein WHIRLY1 is required for acclimation of barley leaves to high light

135.Rizobakteri Uygulamalarının Kuraklık Stresi Altında Yetiştirilen Fasulyenin (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Bitki Gelişimi Üzerindeki Etkilerinin İncelenmesi

136.Quality and suitability of fecal biochar in structurally stable urban tree substrates

137.Gewasbescherming uit siergewassen

138.Toxicity of Tire Particles Released from Personal Mobilities (Bicycles, Cars, and Electric Scooters) on Soil Organisms

139.Effects of Vermicompost on Quality and Physiological Parameters of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Seedlings and Plant Productivity

140.Salinity, waterlogging, and elevated [CO2] interact to induce complex responses in cultivated and wild tomato

141.Do stimulate® and acadian® promote increased growth and physiological indices of Hymenaea courbaril seedlings?

142.Development, Biomass and Nitrogen Allocation, and Seed-Yield Components in Faba Bean (Vicia faba)

143.Yacon development and production under different potassium fertilisation doses

144.Tratamento de sementes de soja com micronutrientes apresentando diferentes níveis de vigor: absorção durante a germinação e efeitos sobre o potencial fisiológico …

145.Chrysant en alstroemeria: sturen met lichtspectrum: deelrapport I van het project “LED licht bij zonlicht

146.Effect of beneficial microorganisms on the vegetative growth, yielding and nutritional status of" šampion" apple trees


147.Ear metabolism and genotype-by-environment interaction in field-grown durum wheat: identification of novel traits for crop improvement

148.Proximal Sensing Sensors for Monitoring Crop Growth


150.Beeinflussung der Biomasse und des Rutingehalts in Levisticum officinale durch Licht und deren Bestimmung mittels optischer Methoden

151.[PDF] Étude des interactions compétitives et allélochimiques entre différentes espèces végétales et la renouée du Japon (Reynoutria japonica) pour la restauration …

152.Alstroemeria: teelt van de toekomst, dichtbij: ontwerp en beproeving fossielvrije en emissievrije teeltconcept voor Alstroemeria

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