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发表时间:2021-02-05 11:26:54点击:1170
Videometer是为数不多可对颜色进行精确分级的多光谱成像系统,颜色分级符合色域空间标准,目前已经在世界各国、各个领域用于肉品、食品等颜色分级和测量。具体论文请参考A Comparison of Meat Colour Measurements From a Colorimeter and Multispectral Images和
Comparison of a multispectral vision system and a colorimeter for the assessment of meat color和Accreditation of VISNIR spectroscopy to support MSA grading of sheep meat等2篇文章。
Videometer Lab:
Videometer Lab measurements were performed on a 30mm cut slice of LL and SM muscle. The cut muscle was placed on a plastic tray and allowed to bloom for at least 30 minutes at
8oC prior to measurement. Videometer lab measurements were performed according to the
manufacturer’s instructions (Videometer A/S, Hørsholm, Denmark). Figure 5 is picture of the
Videometer Lab.
Fresh meat colour
Prior to the development of VISNIR regression models for fresh meat colour, the relationship between Aus Meat beef colour grading chips and the 3 different colour reference measurement instruments used in this study were determined. Figure 11 shows the relationship between Aus Meat beef colour chip and L*-, a* and b*-value all 3 instruments. When comparing the dynamic range of the Hunter Lab against the Videometer Lab instrument, there is a close relationship between the a*- and b*-values of both instruments; however, the Videometer Lab has a greater dynamic range for L*-value when measuring the Aus Meat beef colour chips (Figure 11A). Nearly the opposite relationship is observed between the Minolta Chromameter and the Videometer Lab. The Videometer Lab has a greater dynamic range for both the a*- and b*-values; whereas the L*-value observed for both instruments have a similar dynamic range (Figure 11B).
Figure11: The relationship between the 3 colour reference measurement instruments for determining L*-, a*- and b*-value of Aus Meat beef colour grading chips. (A) HunterLab versus Videometer Lab and (B) Minolta chromameter versus Videometer Lab.
Figure 14 shows 2 Videometer Lab images from 2 “butterflied” loin cuts - Carcass 166 and
179. The main reason for butterflied loin cuts was to increase the surface area scanned by the Videometer Lab to enable greater representation of IMF content and fresh meat colour. Figure 15 shows the correlation for all 205 LL muscle L*-value for bloomed fresh meat colour measurements for (A) HunterLab instrument versus Videometer Lab (B) Minolta chromometer versus Videometer Lab and (C) HunterLab instrument versus Minolta chromometer. For all
205 LL muscles, the correlation between L*-value measured by Videometer Lab and Minolta chromameter was 0.37 and Minotla chromameter and HunterLab instrument was 0.23.
The redness of the sample is typically reflected in the a*-value calculated by the colour measuring device. For all 205 loin muscles, the correlation between a*-values measured by the Minolta chromameter and HunterLab instrument was 0.54. Whilst, the correlation between Videometer Lab and HunterLab instrument was 0.45.
Figure14: Videometer Lab colour measurements of butterflied LL muscles samples extracted from (A) carcass 166 - Minolta chromometer L*-value = 40.24 and a*-value = 15.72 and (B) carcass 179 – Minolta chromometer L*-value = 35.93 and a*-value = 16.83.