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该系统是以色列科学家开发的用于鉴别植物与环境互作的高通量表型系统,本文是最早就该系统极及其应用进行阐述的系统之一,文章名为High‐throughput physiological phenotyping and screening system for the characterization of plant–environment interactions,发表在知名期刊The Plant Journal。
High‐throughput physiological phenotyping and screening system for the characterization of plant–environment interactions
Ofer Halperin ,Alem Gebremedhin ,Rony Wallach ,Menachem Moshelion
We present a simple and effective high‐throughput experimental platform for simultaneous and continuous monitoring of water relations in the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum of numerous plants under dynamic environmental conditions. This system provides a simultaneously measured, detailed physiological response profile for each plant in the array, over time periods ranging from a few minutes to the entire growing season, under normal, stress and recovery conditions and at any phenological stage. Three probes for each pot in the array and a specially designed algorithm enable detailed water‐relations characterization of whole‐plant transpiration, biomass gain, stomatal conductance and root flux. They also enable quantitative calculation of the whole plant water‐use efficiency and relative water content at high resolution under dynamic soil and atmospheric conditions. The system has no moving parts and can fit into many growing environments. A screening of 65 introgression lines of a wild tomato species (Solanum pennellii) crossed with cultivated tomato (S. lycopersicum), using our system and conventional gas‐exchange tools, confirmed the accuracy of the system as well as its diagnostic capabilities. The use of this high‐throughput diagnostic screening method is discussed in light of the gaps in our understanding of the genetic regulation of whole‐plant performance, particularly under abiotic stress.
High-throughput physiological phenotyping and screening system for the characterization of plant–environment interactions
Halperin et. Al., (2016) The Plant Journal 10.1111/tpj.13425