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发表时间:2021-02-02 09:59:38点击:1103



科学家最近发表了关于新型植物育种与胁迫生理研究的论文,题为Quantitative and comparative analysis of whole-plant performance for functional physiological traits phenotyping: New tools to support pre-breeding and plant stress physiology studies,研究中用到了全植株功能生理性状表型系统。


Quantitative and comparative analysis of whole-plant performance for functional physiological traits phenotyping: New tools to support pre-breeding and plant stress physiology studies


Phenotyping whole-plant water relations kinetics.

Comparing the performance of many plants under dynamic environmental conditions.

High-throughput physiological phenotyping reveals functional mechanisms.


Plants are autotrophic organisms in which there are linear relationships between the rate at which organic biomass is accumulated and many ambient parameters such as water, nutrients, CO2 and solar radiation. These linear relationships are the result of good feedback regulation between a plants sensing of the environment and the optimization of its performance response. In this review, we suggest that continuous monitoring of the plant physiological profile in response to changing ambient conditions could be a useful new phenotyping tool, allowing the characterization and comparison of different levels of functional phenotypes and productivity. This functional physiological phenotyping (FPP) approach can be integrated into breeding programs, which are facing difficulties in selecting plants that perform well under abiotic stress. Moreover, high-throughput FPP will increase the efficiency of the selection of traits that are closely related to environmental interactions (such as plant water status, water-use efficiency, stomatal conductance, etc.) thanks to its high resolution and dynamic measurements. One of the important advantages of FPP is, its simplicity and effectiveness and compatibility with experimental methods that use load-cell lysimeters and ambient sensors. In the future, this platform could help with phenotyping of complex physiological traits, beneficial for yield gain to enhance functional breeding approaches and guide in crop modeling.

Quantitative and comparative analysis of whole-plant performance for functional physiological traits phenotyping: New tools to support prebreeding and plant stress physiology studies

Gosa, S.C. et. al., (2019) Plant Science DOI:10.1016/j.plantsci.2018.05.008

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