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发表时间:2021-01-14 11:43:58点击:1049
最近,来自德国Fraunhofer研究院的科学家发表了题为Exploring Flood Filling Networks for Instance Segmentation of XXL-Volumetric and Bulk Material CT Data的文章。Fraunhofer研究院开发了多种CT系统,包括便携式断层扫描CT、台式断层扫描CT以及超大型断层扫描CT。
Exploring Flood Filling Networks for Instance Segmentation of XXL-Volumetric and Bulk Material CT Data
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 40(1)
DOI: 10.1007/s10921-020-00734-w
Project: Neural Networks for CT
Abstract and Figures
XXL-Computed Tomography (XXL-CT) is able to produce large scale volume datasets of scanned objects such as crash tested cars, sea and aircraft containers or cultural heritage objects. The acquired image data consists of volumes of up to and above $$\hbox {10,000}^{3}$$ 10,000 3 voxels which can relate up to many terabytes in file size and can contain multiple 10,000 of different entities of depicted objects. In order to extract specific information about these entities from the scanned objects in such vast datasets, segmentation or delineation of these parts is necessary. Due to unknown and varying properties (shapes, densities, materials, compositions) of these objects, as well as interfering acquisition artefacts, classical (automatic) segmentation is usually not feasible. Contrarily, a complete manual delineation is error-prone and time-consuming, and can only be performed by trained and experienced personnel. Hence, an interactive and partial segmentation of so-called “chunks” into tightly coupled assemblies or sub-assemblies may help the assessment, exploration and understanding of such large scale volume data. In order to assist users with such an (possibly interactive) instance segmentation for the data exploration process, we propose to utilize delineation algorithms with an approach derived from flood filling networks. We present primary results of a flood filling network implementation adapted to non-destructive testing applications based on large scale CT from various test objects, as well as real data of an airplane and describe the adaptions to this domain. Furthermore, we address and discuss segmentation challenges due to acquisition artefacts such as scattered radiation or beam hardening resulting in reduced data quality, which can severely impair the interactive segmentation results.