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Videometer Lab多光谱成像番茄种子研究中的应用

发表时间:2016-12-26 11:45:04点击:2229




    图1. 番茄种子多光谱成像 (a), 背景分离(b)。每个种子标识为“萌发” (红色) 或 “未萌发” (蓝色) -基于在第7天的发芽统计(c) ; nCDA-转换图像(d)。



    多光谱成像技术是一种新出现的技术,可应用在种子科学领域,在番茄变化识别上取得了良好的结果。同时我们用化学计量法-标准化的典型判别分析(nCDA)检查了MSI测量番茄种子成熟度的适用性。图 2. nCDA 区分训练集萌发和未萌发的番茄种子(a), 来自青番茄和红番茄的种子(b),横线 (-) 指示了分类的阈值。


图 2



Use of multispectral images and chemometrics in tomato  seed studies

Seed maturity is one of the important  criteria for determining the seed quality as the mature seeds possess higher ability to germinate and withstand stresses as compared  to immature seeds. However, it is difficult to determine  the tomato  seed maturity  based  on  the  developmental  stage  of  the  fruit.1 .Previous studies on seed coat  colour pertaining  to the chlorophyll content have shown positive correlation with seed maturity.2


Multispectral  imaging  (MSI) in seed science  is an  emerging technology and has shown promising results for tomato varietal identification.3 We further aim to examine  the applicability of MSI to determine the tomato seed maturity using chemometric method normalised canonical discriminant analyses (nCDA)

The  study   demonstrates   the   potential   of   multispectral imaging  for seed maturity determination. The result suggests seed  maturity  determination   should  be  based  on  seeds instead of judging by fruit maturity or colour. However, further investigation would be required to see performance of the mature   seeds  from   the   green   tomatoes   under   normal growing conditions.

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