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SMO构建WIWAM XY高通量植物表型成像平台
101、SPOT: Scanning plant IoT facility for high-throughput plant phenoty**
102、ANAC102 predominantly expresses a nuclear protein and acts as a negative regulator of methyl viologen-induced retrograde signaling
103、Indoor phenoty** platforms and associated trait measurement: Progress and prospects
104、The effect of chlorophyll retention on seed quality
105、Monitoring drought stress in common bean using chlorophyll fluorescence and multispectral imaging
106、Integrated Cytological, Physiological, and Transcriptome Analyses Provide Insight into the Albino Phenotype of Chinese Plum (Prunus salicina)
107、Fusarium head blight monitoring in wheat ears using machine learning and multimodal data from asymptomatic to symptomatic periods
108、The nucleolus as a genomic safe harbor for strong gene expression in Nannochloropsis oceanica
109、The nucleolus as a genomic safe harbor for strong gene expression in Nannochloropsis oceanica
110、Evolutionary and Regulatory Pattern Analysis of Soybean Ca2+ ATPases for Abiotic Stress Tolerance
111、Arabidopsis transcription factor ANAC102 predominantly expresses a nuclear protein and acts as a negative regulator of methyl viologen-induced oxidative stress …
112、Innovations in greenhouse systems-energy conservation by system design, sensors and decision support systems
113、Technology transfer in agriculture: The case of Wageningen University
114、A Novel In Planta Enrichment Method Employing Fusarium graminearum-Infected Wheat Spikes to Select for Competitive Biocontrol Bacteria
115、The ELR-SOBIR1 Complex Functions as a Two-Component Receptor-Like Kinase to Mount Defense Against Phytophthora infestans
116、Ethylene production during Alternaria infections on potato plants and its antagonistic role in virulence of different Alternaria species
117、Effects of supplemental lighting on potassium transport and fruit coloring of tomatoes grown in hydroponics
118、Research progress and prospect in plant phenoty** platform and image analysis technology
119、New Age of Common Bean
120、Phenotypic Characteristics and Occurrence Basis of Leaf Necrotic Spots in Response of Weedy Rice to Imazethapyr
121、Uncovering genomic features and biosynthetic gene clusters in endophytic bacteria from roots of the medicinal plant alkanna tinctoria tausch as a strategy to identify …
122、Different Approaches of Combating Bacterial Canker in Tomato: In Pursuit of Resistance
123、Antifungal potency and modes of action of a novel olive tree defensin against closely related ascomycete fungal pathogens
124、Cognitive radio sensor networks clustering routing algorithm for crop phenotypic information edge computing collection
125、KB DDHT project 8: Non-destructive and non-invasive sensor technologies in food supply chains: project deliverables 1.1-1.4
126、DR HIROYUKI NONOGAKI (Orcid ID: 0000-0001-8662-1534)
128、Advanced imaging for microalgal biotechnology
129、Identification of Novel Rotihibin Analogues in Streptomyces scabies, Including Discovery of Its Biosynthetic Gene Cluster
130、Transcription Cofactor CsMBF1c Enhances Heat Tolerance of Cucumber and Interacts with Heat-Related Proteins CsNFYA1 and CsDREB2
131、Modes of action and potential as a peptide‐based biofungicide of a plant defensin MtDef4
132、Development of a preemergent nanoherbicide: From efficiency evaluation to the assessment of environmental fate and risks to soil microorganisms
133、Chickpea NCR13 disulfide cross-linking variants exhibit profound differences in antifungal activity and modes of action
134、Fungal identification in peanuts seeds through multispectral images: Technological advances to enhance sanitary quality
135、CsIVP modulates low nitrogen and high-temperature resistance in cucumber
136、Phenoty** the susceptibility od Croatian native grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) varieties to the causal agent of downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola)
137、Workshop phenoty**, genoty**, breeding, reproduction techniques and evaluating alternative crop species for adaptation to climate change-State-of-art and …
138、Practical recommendations for hyperspectral and thermal proximal disease sensing in potato and leek fields
139、A bHLH transcription factor, CsSPT, regulates high-temperature resistance in cucumber
140、Affiliations 9
141、Overexpression of watermelon m6A methyltransferase ClMTB enhances drought tolerance in tobacco by mitigating oxidative stress and photosynthesis inhibition and …
142、Closing the gap between phenoty** and genoty**: review of advanced, image-based phenoty** technologies in forestry
143、A multiscale approach to investigate fluorescence and NDVI imaging as proxy of photosynthetic traits in wheat
144、Effects of light quality on strawberry, Botrytis cinerea and their interaction
145、Development of an Active Multispectral System for Agricultural Crop Diagnostics
146、Expression of glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase increases neutral lipid accumulation in Nannochloropsis oceanica
147、Expression of glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase increases non-polar lipid accumulation in Nannochloropsis oceanica
148、Characterization of ion transport proteins involved in chloroplast function from land plants and algae
149、PhenoVation wint NGI Venture Challenge
150、Drought-induced changes in multispectral traits of common bean
151、Utjecaj temperaturnog stresa na klorofilnu fluorescenciju kod krumpira
152、Primjenjivost multispektralne analize u predviđanju klijavosti sjemena dalmatinskog buhača
153、Plantmonitoring op basis van fotosynthese sensoren: Praktijktesten in de teelt van tomaat en gerbera
154、Kvantifikacija toksičnog učinka aluminija kod kukuruza primjenom multispektralnih analiza
155、Smart Ziekzoeker 2015: Detectie van virus-en bacteriezieke pootaardappelen met behulp van vision-en sensortechnologie
156、Morphological diversity of natural Dalmatian pyrethrum populations
157、Efeito do tratamento de sementes de soja com micronutrientes em associação com ultrassom sobre o desenvolvimento inicial de plântulas avaliado por imagens …
158、Plantmonitoring op basis van fotosynthese sensoren: ontwikkelen en testen van sensoren
159、Op naar precisielandbouw 2.0: eindrapport PPS PL2. 0 2015-2019 topsectorproject AF-14275
160、Utjecaj primjene biostimulatora tijkom vegetacije na klijavost sjemena paprike
161、Efeito da radiação ultravioleta C sobre o potencial fisiológico e sanitário das sementes de Salvia officinalis
162、Sensores multiespectrais para detecção dos efeitos da radiação gama na qualidade de sementes de soja
163、Een lager energieverbruik in potplanten
164、El análisis de calidad de semillas en un nuevo escenario tecnológico
166、Fluorescência de clorofila e análise multiespectral de imagens para avaliação da qualidade de sementes de cenoura e tomate
167、Pathogeniteitsstudie van Botrytis isolaten op sla door gebruik van fenotypering
169、Relações entre a análise multiespectral eo potencial fisiológico de sementes de soja
172、Verhoging van energie-efficiency bij intensieve glastuinbouw productiesystemen: ontwikkeling van high-tech sensorsystemen voor monitoring en besturing van …
173、Povezanost sadržaja piretrina i morfoloških svojstva biljaka dalmatinskog buhača
174、Suplementação luminosa com lâmpadas LED no cultivo de microverdes em ambiente protegido
175、Ultrassom e iluminação artificial na germinação de sementes e no desenvolvimento de mudas de almeirão
176、Manejo da irrigação por lisimetria de pesagem na produção de mudas de hortaliças em ambiente protegido
177、Suplementação luminosa na produção de mudas de tomate e pepino
178、Optimalisatie en gebruikt van het Zymoseptoria-tarwe pathosysteem voor het testen van nieuwe biocontrole organismen
179、Green leaf volatiles, what makes them toxic, what makes them effective
179、Maturação em sementes de soja: estádios reprodutivos, degradação da clorofila e aquisição da qualidade fisiológica
182、Baktericidni i fungicidni učinak fenilboronske kiseline na patogene u uzgoju rajčice
183、Multispektralne analize krumpira u uvjetima povišenih temperatura
184、Pre-and post-harvest innovative tools to reduce toxigenic fungi and mycotoxins
185、Utjecaj stresa suše na parametre klorofilne fluoresencije kod graha