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发表时间:2024-09-10 14:54:06点击:233




1、Transferability of Models for Predicting Rice Grain Yield from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Multispectral Imagery across Years, Cultivars and Sensors

2、Development of a Photogrammetric Processing Workflow for UAV-based Multispectral Imagery

3、Grain yield prediction using multi-temporal UAV-based multispectral vegetation indices and endmember abundance in rice

4、Two-step multi-spectral registration via key-point detector and gradient similarity. Application to agronomic scenes for proxy-sensing

5、Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for monitoring macroalgal biodiversity: Comparison of RGB and multispectral imaging sensors for biodiversity assessments

6、Missing the forest and the trees: Utility, limits and caveats for drone imaging of coastal marine ecosystems

8、MACA: A relative radiometric correction method for multiflight unmanned aerial vehicle images based on concurrent satellite imagery

9、Monitoring rice grain protein accumulation dynamics based on UAV multispectral data

10、Accurate Estimation of Grain Number Per Panicle in Winter Wheat by Synergistic Use of Uav Imagery and Meteorological Data

11、Estimating leaf nitrogen and chlorophyll content in wheat by correcting canopy structure effect through multi-angular remote sensing

12、A double swath configuration for improving throughput and accuracy of trait estimate from UAV images

13、AAVI: A novel approach to estimating leaf nitrogen concentration in rice from unmanned aerial vehicle multispectral imagery at early and middle growth stages

14、Combining UAV multispectral imagery and ecological factors to estimate leaf nitrogen and grain protein content of wheat

15、Exploiting the centimeter resolution of UAV multispectral imagery to improve remote-sensing estimates of canopy structure and biochemistry in sugar beet crops

16、Daily monitoring of Effective Green Area Index and Vegetation Chlorophyll Content from continuous acquisitions of a multi-band spectrometer over winter wheat

17、Detecting Spectral Signals in Imaging for Disease Detection in Apple and Grape

18、Novel 3D photosynthetic traits derived from the fusion of UAV LiDAR point cloud and multispectral imagery in wheat

19、SPSI: A Novel Composite Index for Estimating Panicle Number in Winter Wheat before Heading from UAV Multispectral Imagery

20、How far does the tree affect the crop in agroforestry? New spatial analysis methods in a Faidherbia parkland

21、Pixelwise instance segmentation of leaves in dense foliage

22、Effects of view and sun directions and reproductive organs on crop reflectance

23、Impact of the reproductive organs on crop BRDF as observed from a UAV

24、Using UAV borne, multi-spectral imaging for the field phenoty** of shoot biomass, leaf area index and height of West African sorghum varieties under two contrasted …

25、Scoring cercospora leaf spot on sugar beet: comparison of UGV and UAV phenoty** systems

26、Wheat growth monitoring and yield estimation based on multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle

27、A novel approach for estimating fractional cover of crops by correcting angular effect using radiative transfer models and UAV multi-angular spectral data

28、A Novel Inversion Approach for the Kernel-Driven BRDF Model for Heterogeneous Pixels

29、Use of thermographic sensors to determine the water status of plants in a controlled environment

30、Applying remote sensing expertise to crop improvement: progress and challenges to scale up high throughput field phenoty** from research to industry

Toward a regional field phenoty** network in West Africa

31、[Impact of Structure from Motion processing parameters on thermal orthomosaic temperatures

32、Agro-physiological responses of 10 west Africa sorghum varieties to early water deficit assessed by UAV and ground phenoty**

33、Improving the spatial and temporal estimation of ecosystem respiration using multi-source data and machine learning methods in a rainfed winter wheat cropland

34、Palladium-catalyzed oxidative C–H/C–H cross-coupling of imidazopyridines with azoles

35、Quantification of rice spikelet rot disease severity at organ scale with proximal imaging spectroscopy

35、Assessing Water Stress in Maize Using UAV Thermal Infrared Sensing

36、An assessment of background removal approaches for improved estimation of rice leaf nitrogen concentration with unmanned aerial vehicle multispectral imagery at …

37、Uav-based multispectral data for tree species classification and tree vitality analysis

Summer crop** and rotational effects on following winter crops in western Victoria.

38、Estimation of Rice Leaf Area Index Utilizing a Kalman Filter Fusion Methodology Based on Multi-Spectral Data Obtained from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

39、 Genomics researches and their applications in plant breeding at PAG XXIV Conference.

40、Crop water stress detection using remote sensing techniques

41、Terriscope: An optical remote sensing research platform using aircraft and uas for the characterization of continental surfaces

42、A high-throughput model-assisted method for phenoty** maize green leaf area index dynamics using unmanned aerial vehicle imagery

43、[HTML] Towards the characterization of crop and weeds at leaf scale: A large comparison of shape, spatial and textural features

44、Do multispectral and thermal IR high-resolution UAS-borne imagery help in phenoty** the tree response to water stress at field? Case studies in apple diversity …

45、A review of crop water stress assessment using remote sensing

Contribution of high-resolution multispectral and thermal-infrared airborne imagery to assess the behavior of fruit trees facing water stress: proof of the concept and …

46、Intelligent and Portable Equipment of Nondestructive Detection Technologies in Food

47、Weed detection in precision agriculture: leveraging encoder-decoder models for semantic segmentation

48、Field phenoty** for African crops: overview and perspectives

49、Photochemical reactivity of the iron (III) complex of a mixed-donor, α-hydroxy acid-containing chelate and its biological relevance to photoactive marine siderophores

50、Physiological adaptive traits are a potential allele reservoir for maize genetic progress under challenging conditions


52、Estimating Straw Cereal Plant Density at Early Stages Using Reflectance Based and Image Segmentation Based Methods Under Different Spatial Resolutions

53、Frost response in wheat and early detection using proximal sensors

Phenoty** wheat by combining ADEL-Wheat 4D structure model with proximal remote sensing measurements along the growth cycle

54、High-throughput phenoty** of fruit tree development, light interception and wateruse related traits: a case study on apple tree

55、Sensor technologies for remote monitoring of automated orchard irrigation: A review

56、DeepIndices: Remote Sensing Indices Based on Approximation of Functions through Deep-Learning, Application to Uncalibrated Vegetation Images

57、Thermal infrared remote sensing of stress responses in forest environments: a review of developments, Challenges, and Opportunities

58、Multi-scale high-throughput phenoty** of apple architectural and functional traits in orchard reveals genotypic variability under contrasted watering regimes

59、Technologies for Crop Water Stress Monitoring

60、Triboelectric Nanogenerators for Field Sensing

61、The balance between spectral and spatial information to estimate straw cereal plant density at early growth stages from optical sensors

62、Tree architecture, light interception and water‐use related traits are controlled by different genomic regions in an apple tree core collection

Aquatic vegetation monitoring with UAS

63、Unmanned Aerial Remote Sensing: UAS for Environmental Applications

64、Sugar beet: A competitive innovation

65、One-Dimensional Nanostructure and Sensing Applications: Tin Dioxide Nanowires and Carbon Nanotubes

66、Remote sensing monitoring of rice and wheat canopy nitrogen: A review

67、Spatial Dynamics of Nearshore Marine Habitats from Low Altitude Remote Sensing For Conservation and Planning

68、Object-Based Land Cover Classification of UAV True Color Imagery

69、Drone Flow User Guide

70、A Comprehensive Review of Spectral Sensing Devices and Diagnostic Equipment for Field Crop Growth Monitoring


71、UAV method based on multispectral imaging for field phenotying

72、Identification and counting of sorghum panicles using artificial intelligence based drone field phenoty**

73、Approche multicritère pour la caractérisation des adventices par imagerie

74、Dynamics of wheat organs by close-range multimodal machine vision

75、Outils, références et méthodes pour la construction d'un simulateur pour la prévision du rendement et de la qualité du tournesol à l'échelle territoriale mobilisant …

76、Suivi non destructif de l'indice de nutrition azotée par proxi-et télédétection en vue d'un pilotage dynamique et spatialisé de la fertilisation azotée du blé tendre

77、 La betterave sucrière: L'innovation compétitive

78、Multi-criteria approach for weed characterization


79、Global wheat head detection challenges: Winning models and application for head counting

80、SegVeg: Segmenting RGB images into green and senescent vegetation by combining deep and shallow methods

81、VegAnn, Vegetation Annotation of multi-crop RGB images acquired under diverse conditions for segmentation

82、Du phénotypage à la modélisation de l'architecture et du fonctionnement des plantes

83、Phenomobile: A fully automatic robot for high-throughput field phenoty** of a large range of crops with active measurements

84、Small Agricultural Phenotype Robot and Its Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance in Parallel Walls

85、Field phenotying for African crops: overview and perspectives

86、Toward a regional field phenotying network in West Africa

87、Scoring cercospora leaf spot on sugar beet: comparison of UGV and UAV phenoty** systems

88、Automated Unmanned Systems and Data Analytics for In-Field Digital Crop Phenotying

89、[PDF] A dynamic trait for physiological breeding: Temperature response in wheat and soybean assessed by high throughput phenoty**

90、Using UAV borne, multi-spectral imaging for the field phenoty** of shoot biomass, leaf area index and height of West African sorghum varieties under two contrasted …

91、High-throughput measurements of stem characteristics to estimate ear density and above-ground biomass

92、Genomics researches and their applications in plant breeding at PAG XXIV Conference.

93、Dissecting and Modeling the Phenotypic Components of Plant Growth and Drought Responses Based on High-throughput Image Analysis

94、An Evaluation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems' Ability to Assess Stripe Rust in Large Wheat Breeding Nursies

95、 Deep learning algorithms for high-throughput cereal plant and organ identification

96、The Era of Plant Breeding: Conventional Breeding to Genomics-assisted Breeding for Crop Improvement

97、Effect of variety on Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) of bread-wheat: from breeding programs to farm practice

Combining Physiology and Genetics to dissect source-sink relationships in wheat

98、Estimation of crop key traits from multi-source remote sensing technologies

99、Affordable high throughput field detection of wheat stripe rust using deep learning with semi-automated image labeling

100、Viability of Depth Cameras and LiDar as Phenoty** Platforms for Biomass in Cassava (Manihot esculenta) and Napier Grass (Pennisetum purpureum)

101、Exploiting the centimeter resolution of UAV multispectral imagery to improve remote-sensing estimates of canopy structure and biochemistry in sugar beet crops

102、Genetic diversity for develo** climate-resilient wheats to achieve food security goals

103、Déploiement de la plateforme de traitement des données phénotypage haut débit 4P sur l'infrastructure France Grilles.


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