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发表时间:2023-12-04 14:43:32点击:743



Dualex是一款源自于法国国家科学院 (CNRS)及巴黎第十一大学技术,由奥地利PESSL公司生产(原法国Force-A公司)开发的新型多功能叶片测量仪。它可同时准确测量叶片的叶绿素含量、叶片表层的类黄酮和花青素含量,适用于植物生理学和农学(如水稻叶绿素浓度,玉米氮素状况,葡萄藤等)相关研究。





1.Sounds emitted by plants under stress are airborne and informative

2.Drought response of water-conserving and non-conserving spring barley cultivars 

3.Leaf hydraulic maze: Abscisic acid effects on bundle sheath, palisade, and spongy mesophyll conductance

4.Generating high-throughput functional phenotyping data to support crop modelling in designing drought resilient crop cultivars 

5.Agronomic and Physiological Traits Response of Three Tropical Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Cultivars to Drought and Salinity

6.Combining functional physiological phenotying and simulation model to estimate dynamic water use efficiency and infer transpiration sensitivity traits

7.Drought response behavior of risk-taking and conserving spring barley cultivars

8.Combining Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) with Functional Phenotyping Systems: Assessing Limitations in Estimating Photosynthesis Under Stress 

9.Physiological and Digital Phenotying of Drought Tolerance in Brassica Crops 

10.Drought and recovery in barley: key gene networks and retrotransposon response 

11.The Balance of Survival: Comparative Drought Response in Wild and Domesticated Tomatoes 

12.Understanding water conservation vs. profligation traits in vegetable legumes through a physio-transcriptomic-functional approach 

13.Drought and recovery in barley: key gene networks and retrotransposon response 

14.Phenotypic plasticity in response to drought stress: Comparisons of domesticated tomato and a wild relative

15.Tree tobacco (Nicotiana glauca) cuticular wax composition is essential for leaf retention during drought, facilitating a speedy recovery following rewatering 

16.Guard cell activity of PIF4 and HY5 control transpiration 

17.Examination of Plant Physiological Monitoring Alongside in-Vivo Four-Point-Probe Impedance Spectroscopy of Live Tobacco Plants

18.Responses of two Acacia species to drought suggest different water-use strategies, reflecting their topographic distribution 

19.T9: PhenotyingTechnologies (CePPG)

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