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发表时间:2021-05-24 16:13:07点击:1043



来自欧洲的科学家刚刚在食品领域期刊Foods上发表了题为Detection of Meat Adulteration Using Spectroscopy-Based Sensors的文章,着重介绍了多光谱成像技术在肉品造假检测中的应用。 


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肉品掺假多光谱检测-Detection of Meat Adulteration Using Spectroscopy-Based Sensors 

Detection of Meat Adulteration Using Spectroscopy-Based Sensors

1.byLemonia-Christina Fengou, *,Alexandra Lianou2,*,Panagiοtis Tsakanikas1,Fady Mohareb 3 andGeorge-John E. Nychas

1Laboratory of Microbiology and Biotechnology of Foods, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Agricultural University of Athens, 11855 Athens, Greece

2. Division of Genetics, Cell Biology and Development, Department of Biology, University of Patras, 26504 Patras, Greece

3. Bioinformatics Group, Department of Agrifood, School of Water, Energy and Environment Cranfield University, College Road, Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL, UK

Foods 2021, 10(4), 861; https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10040861



Minced meat is a vulnerable to adulteration food commodity because species- and/or tissue-specific morphological characteristics cannot be easily identified. Hence, the economically motivated adulteration of minced meat is rather likely to be practiced. The objective of this work was to assess the potential of spectroscopy-based sensors in detecting fraudulent minced meat substitution, specifically of (i) beef with bovine offal and (ii) pork with chicken (and vice versa) both in fresh and frozen-thawed samples. For each case, meat pieces were minced and mixed so that different levels of adulteration with a 25% increment were achieved while two categories of pure meat also were considered. From each level of adulteration, six different samples were prepared. In total, 120 samples were subjected to visible (Vis) and fluorescence (Fluo) spectra and multispectral image (MSI) acquisition. Support Vector Machine classification models were developed and evaluated. The MSI-based models outperformed the ones based on the other sensors with accuracy scores varying from 87% to 100%. The Vis-based models followed in terms of accuracy with attained scores varying from 57% to 97% while the lowest performance was demonstrated by the Fluo-based models. Overall, spectroscopic data hold a considerable potential for the detection and quantification of minced meat adulteration, which, however, appears to be sensor-specific.

Keywords: adulteration;minced meat;multispectral imaging;sensors;spectroscopy

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