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科学家利用Videometer多光谱成像系统,发表了题为“Radiographic and spectral images of rice seeds and the photosynthetic efficiency of seedlings”的文章。
摘要:农业新技术的开发和使用促进了研究的重大进展,并在多个领域实际应用,例如图像分析技术,这些技术分析简单、快速和客观。本工作旨在利用X射线、多光谱和叶绿素荧光图像分析技术评估水稻种子的质量,并将这些信息与幼苗的光合效率联系起来。首先,对种子进行鉴定和计数,然后获得X射线图像,并计算空隙空间(胚乳+胚胎和胶质之间的面积)。接下来,用X射线,多光谱和叶绿素荧光图像对相同的种子拍照。之后,将种子置于容量为250 mL的聚乙烯杯中发芽,并评估光合作用光系统II的光化学产率(FSII),在幼苗出苗后7、9、11天进行叶绿素荧光测定。365 nm和780 nm光谱带中种子的反射率与叶绿素荧光呈正相关。此外,水稻幼苗出苗后11 d较高的光合效率与种子在365 nm和780 nm光谱带的反射率直接相关。
Radiographic and spectral images of rice seeds and the photosynthetic efficiency of seedlings
ABSTRACT: The development and the use of new technologies in agriculture contribute to significant advances in research with practical applications in several fields, such as image analytical techniques, which are simple, fast, and objective analyses. This work aimed to evaluate rice seeds’quality using X-ray, multispectral, and chlorophyll fluorescence image analytical techniques and relate this information with the photosynthetic efficiency of seedlings. Initially, the seeds were identified and enumerated, then X-ray images were obtained, and the void space (area between the endosperm + embryo and the glumes) was calculated. Next, the same seeds were used in the X-rays, multispectral, and chlorophyll fluorescence images. Afterward, the seeds were placed to germinate in polyethylene cups with a capacity of 250 mL, and evaluations of the photochemical yield of photosynthesis photosystem II (FSII) and of the seedling fluorescence chlorophyll were carried out seven, nine, and 11 days after the emergence of the seedlings. The reflectance of seeds in the spectral bands between 365 nm and 780 nm showed a positive correlation with the chlorophyll fluorescence. Furthermore, the higher photosynthetic efficiency of rice seedlings at 11 days after emergence is directly related to the reflectance of the seeds at spectral bands between 365 nm and 780 nm.
Keywords: X-ray, image analysis, multispectral images, chlorophyll fluorescence