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科学家利用Videometer SeedLab种子检验与表型实验室发表文章
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科学家利用Videometer SeedLab种子检验与表型实验室发表了题为“Reducing Dietary Acrylamide Exposure from Wheat Products through Crop Management and Imaging”的文章,文章发表于知名期刊J. Agric. Food Chem。
Videometer多光谱种子检验与表型实验室 Seed Lab
Videometer公司推出的Videometer SeedLab种子检验与表型实验室是业界革新性设备。该多光谱成像系统是增强种子分析和分类功能的强化版数字种子表型实验系统,可通过提供种子和谷物分析的综合解决方案来帮助研究活动。此外,种子检验与表型实验室将可对种子和谷物进行分析,作为多功能通用成像平台来支持相关领域活动,该革新性的Videometer种子表型实验系统有可能彻底改变颠覆种子行业。该系统是一个交钥匙一站式解决方案,可完全实现自动化种子分析。Videometer SeedLab由光谱成像、先进的多元统计和机器学习、人工智能算法驱动,这些算法能够自动检查、分析、分类和排序不同的种子。
Videometer SeedLab集成了不同的元件,可完全实现自动化种子检测。分析从一个漏斗开始,用于导入产品,然后在VideometerLab光谱成像仪下方的传送带上运输。然后对产品进行检查并进行“数字”分类。分级后,一个提取和放置自动机器臂膀根据种子的分类将其物理分类到不同的运输容器中。
小麦基食品的营养安全受到加工污染物丙烯酰胺的影响。通过作物管理战略,可以减少小麦籽粒中的关键丙烯酰胺前体,即游离(可溶性、非蛋白质)天冬酰胺,但战略尚无完全制定。我们用12个软(饼干)小麦品种和不同的氮、硫、钾和磷肥料组合进行了两次田间试验。结果表明,氮硫比为10:1 kg/ha足以防止游离天冬酰胺的大量增加,而当施用硫时,单独抑制钾或磷不会导致游离天冬酰亚胺的增加。田间植物的多光谱测量能够以71%的准确率预测谷物的游离天冬酰胺含量,而种子的多光谱、荧光和形态测量的组合能够以86%的准确率区分高游离天冬酰胺素谷物和低游离天冬酰胺素谷物。饼干中的丙烯酰胺含量与游离天冬酰胺含量和颜色测量结果密切相关,表明减少游离天冬酰亚胺的农艺策略是有效的,基于产品颜色的质量控制检查可以消除高丙烯酰胺饼干产品。
Reducing Dietary Acrylamide Exposure from Wheat Products through Crop Management and Imaging
The nutritional safety of wheat-based food products is compromised by the presence of the processing contaminant acrylamide. Reduction of the key acrylamide precursor, free (soluble, non-protein) asparagine, in wheat grain can be achieved through crop management strategies, but such strategies have not been fully developed. We ran two field trials with 12 soft (biscuit) wheat varieties and different nitrogen, sulfur, potassium, and phosphorus fertilizer combinations. Our results indicated that a nitrogen-to-sulfur ratio of 10:1 kg/ha was sufficient to prevent large increases in free asparagine, whereas withholding potassium or phosphorus alone did not cause increases in free asparagine when sulfur was applied. Multispectral measurements of plants in the field were able to predict the free asparagine content of grain with an accuracy of 71%, while a combination of multispectral, fluorescence, and morphological measurements of seeds could distinguish high free asparagine grain from low free asparagine grain with an accuracy of 86%. The acrylamide content of biscuits correlated strongly with free asparagine content and with color measurements, indicating that agronomic strategies to decrease free asparagine would be effective and that quality control checks based on product color could eliminate high acrylamide biscuit products.
KEYWORDS:acrylamide, asparagine, biscuits, food safety, multispectral imaging, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, wheat