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来自南美的科学家,利用VideometerLab多光谱成像系统,发表了题为Chlorophyll fluorescence as a new marker for peanut seed quality evaluation的文章。
光学成像技术的最新进展有助于种子质量的快速、准确和无损分析。本研究旨在验证叶绿素荧光图像作为分析花生种子生理潜力的新标记的潜力。用人工老化0、16、24和48h的种子,分别在630/700nm和405/600nm的激发/发射组合中检测叶绿素a和b的荧光信号。这些图像是使用VideometerLab4设备(丹麦Herlev的Videometer a/S)及其软件版本5.4.6拍摄的。将这些数据与传统的发芽试验、电导率、出苗率和出苗速度指数等用于评价花生种子生理性能的试验进行了比较。结果表明,活力较低的种子叶绿素a和b的荧光强度较低。因此,花生种子的变质过程伴随着叶绿素分子的分解,从而导致种子荧光特性的变化。从实用的角度来看,叶绿素荧光图像可以成功地快速、准确、无损地鉴别高活力和低活力种子批次。
Chlorophyll fluorescence as a new marker for peanut seed quality evaluation
Recent advances in optical imaging technologies have contributed to rapid, accurate and non-destructive analysis in the context of seed quality. This work aimed to verify the potential of chlorophyll fluorescence images as a new marker for analyzing the physiological potential of peanut seeds. The fluorescence signals of chlorophyll a and b were detected in the excitation/emission combinations of 630/700 nm and 405/600 nm, respectively, using seeds artificially aged for 0, 16, 24 and 48 h. The images were captured using a VideometerLab4 equipment (Videometer A/S, Herlev, Denmark), and its software version 5.4.6. Data were compared with the traditional tests used to evaluate the physiological performance of peanut seeds, such as germination tests, electrical conductivity, seedling emergence and emergence speed index. The results revealed that the fluorescence intensity of chlorophyll a and b was lower in seeds with lower vigor. Therefore, the deterioration process of peanut seeds is accompanied by a breakdown of chlorophyll molecules, and consequently, changes in the fluorescent properties of seeds. From a practical point of view, chlorophyll fluorescence images can be successfully used to discriminate high-and low-vigor seed lots, quickly, accurately and non-destructively.
Figure 1. VideometerLab4 equipment used to analyze fluorescence images of chlorophyll a and b in peanut seeds with different vigor levels
Figure 4. RGB (Red-Green-Blue) images of peanut seeds artificially aged for 0, 16, 24, and 48 h and chlorophyll a fluorescence images captured at 630/700 nm excitation/emission combination (A), and chlorophyll b fluorescence images captured at 405/600 nm excitation/emission combination (B) after transformation by the nCDA algorithm, in which each pixel in the image is represented by a unique value that corresponds to the chlorophyll fluorescence intensity; higher pixel values indicate higher chlorophyll fluorescence intensity.