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来自丹麦奥胡斯大学的科学家,利用Videometer公司为歌本哈根大学大学构建的原位多通道多光谱根系成像系统发表了题为Genomic prediction of yield and root development in wheat under changing water availability的文章,文章发表于Plant Methods上。





该系统构建为多通道原位根系多光谱微根管表型成像系统,主要用于设施规划中的高通量根系成像研究。丹麦根本哈根大学科学家等此前已经利用该多光谱成像系统对植物植株、根系进行成像研究,取得了前瞻性的成果。该前研究以深根系大麦为研究对象,将大麦下方埋了有3m长的微根管,使用Videometer公司的Videometer MR多光谱成像系统,定期通过根窗透明面对根系成像分析。原始光谱图像经过Videometer自带软件一系列算法处理后得到目标根系图像,随后进行阈值分割、模糊聚类等模型分析,得到根系的形态学数据。















Construction of a large-scale semi-feld facility to study genotypic diferences in deep root growth and resources acquisition 

Genomic prediction of yield and root development in wheat under changing water availability

Xiangyu Guo 1Simon F Svane 2Winnie S Füchtbauer 3Jeppe R Andersen 4Just Jensen 1Kristian Thorup-Kristensen 


Background: Deeper roots help plants take up available resources in deep soil ensuring better growth and higher yields under conditions of drought. A large-scale semi-field root phenotyping facility was developed to allow a water availability gradient and detect potential interaction of genotype by water availability gradient. Genotyped winter wheat lines were grown as rows in four beds of this facility, where indirect genetic effects from neighbors could be important to trait variation. The objective was to explore the possibility of genomic prediction for grain-related traits and deep root traits collected via images taken in a minirhizotron tube under each row of winter wheat measured.

Results: The analysis comprised four grain-related traits: grain yield, thousand-kernel weight, protein concentration, and total nitrogen content measured on each half row that were harvested separately. Two root traits, total root length between 1.2 and 2 m depth and root length in four intervals on each tube were also analyzed. Two sets of models with or without the effects of neighbors from both sides of each row were applied. No interaction between genotypes and changing water availability were detected for any trait. Estimated genomic heritabilities ranged from 0.263 to 0.680 for grain-related traits and from 0.030 to 0.055 for root traits. The coefficients of genetic variation were similar for grain-related and root traits. The prediction accuracy of breeding values ranged from 0.440 to 0.598 for grain-related traits and from 0.264 to 0.334 for root traits. Including neighbor effects in the model generally increased the estimated genomic heritabilities and accuracy of predicted breeding values for grain yield and nitrogen content.

Conclusions: Similar relative amounts of additive genetic variance were found for both yield traits and root traits but no interaction between genotypes and water availability were detected. It is possible to obtain accurate genomic prediction of breeding values for grain-related traits and reasonably accurate predicted breeding values for deep root traits using records from the semi-field facility. Including neighbor effects increased the estimated additive genetic variance of grain-related traits and accuracy of predicting breeding values. High prediction accuracy can be obtained although heritability is low.

Keywords: Deep root; Genomic prediction; Grain-related yield; Semi-field; Wheat.

Root length from minirhizotron imaging

Half of the experimental beds were equipped with minirhizotron tubes, and two root traits were analyzed in this study. Root imaging was done by using a multispectral imaging system, in which a portable trolley system and four multispectral camera systems were used to allow for multivariate image analysis using fve wavebands [32]. When taking the image, the portable trolley carried four cameras moved through facility, with a step size of four rows in each movement. Ten the side by side cameras were dropped into four adjacent minirhizotron tubes (one camera in each tube) and images of the root were

taken along the tube with 5 cm intervals. Te root images were made along the upwards facing side of the minirhizotrons, therefore enable photography of roots covering a soil depth interval of 0.7 m to 2.7 m [6]. Te subsequent image analysis delivered an estimate of living root length in each image using the U-

Net Neural Network (CNN) architecture to provide automated image segmentation of root structures [47]. A detailed description of the image

analysis strategy can be found in a previous study [31]. On average, there were 56 images (4×5  cm) used for each minirhizotron tube after editing. Te root data were based on root imaging made on 18th June 2018, where 21,057 root images were recorded by four cameras from the 300 minirhizotrons. Te imaging of roots was done at late fowering early grain flling since it is widely accepted that the cereal root system reaches the maximum extension after anthesis and limited root development gave been observed during grain flling [48]. Total root length between 1.2 and 2.0 m soil depth (TRL, Additional fle 1:

Table S3) was expressed as the total length of living roots found in all the images taken from each minirhizotron tube. Root length in four intervals on each tube (IRL, Additional fle  1: Table  S4) was expressed as the total length of living roots found in all the images taken from each depth interval in each minirhizotron tube. Te root data were edited as follows before the genetic analysis:Te number of records kept in each step can be found in Additional fle 2: Table S5 and the detail depth interval can be found in Additional fle 2: Table S6. After editing by rules from step 1 to 4, 14,270 records (images) were kept for further analysis, i.e. to calculate root length from intervals in each tube and root length for each tube.

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