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SMO构建WIWAM XY(Pathoviewer)高通量植物表型成像平台介绍


PathoViewer是一款高通量植物表型成像平台(属于WIWAM XY系列),使用了高分辨率图像在可控条件下对植物进行表型成像。该系统配备有6MP-16 bit的相机系统以及各种光学滤波轮,有广泛用途,例如测量叶绿素荧光、红色荧光蛋白、绿色荧光蛋白、自荧光、RGB改进花青素反射指数以及叶绿素指数等。系统为自动系统,用于测量植物或植物部分的生物或非生物胁迫。

Pathoviewer 特点

Pathoviewer组合了RGB, 叶绿素荧光、花青素、NIR和GFP/RFP图像处理,对生物和非生物胁迫的影响进行成像。这些相机也可为研究人员采集植物科学相关信息,另外还可对表型特征可视化。下文将对测量的最重要参数进行讨论。



最近,科学家利用WIWAM XY高通量表型成像平台发表了题为Cross-talkbetween Fusarium verticillioides and Aspergillus flavus in vitro and in planta的文章,文章发表于期刊Mycotoxin Research volume 37,pages229–240 (2021). 

Cross-talk between Fusarium verticillioides and Aspergillus flavus in vitro and in planta

Xiangrong ChenSofie LandschootChrist’l DetavernierSarah De SaegerAndreja Rajkovic & Kris Audenaert 

Mycotoxin Research volume 37, pages229–240 (2021)


Driven by increasing temperatures and the higher incidences of heat waves during summer, an increased incidence of Aspergillus flavus next to Fusarium verticillioides in European maize can be expected. In the current study, we investigated the interaction between both species. Colonies of A. flavus/F. verticillioides were grown in a single culture, in a dual culture, and in a mixed culture. The growth rate of A. flavus and F. verticillioides grown in a dual or mixed culture with the other species was clearly slower compared to the growth rate in a single culture. Mycotoxin production was in most cases negatively affected by dual or mixed inoculation. In planta, a dual inoculation resulted in reduced lesions of A. flavus, whereas the lesion size and toxin production of F. verticillioides were unaffected in the presence of A. flavus. The lesions as a result of a mixed inoculation were 112% bigger than a single A. flavus inoculation and 9% smaller than a single F. verticillioides inoculation. The fumonisin levels were 17% higher compared to a single inoculation. In case A. flavus was present two days before F. verticillioides, the lesion size of F. verticillioides was 55% smaller compared to a single F. verticillioides inoculation, and fumonisin production was almost completely inhibited. The interaction between A. flavus and F. verticillioides is highly dynamic and depends on the experimental conditions, on the variables measured and on the way they colonize the host, in two inoculation points, simultaneously in one inoculation point, or sequentially one species colonizing an existing lesion made by the other.

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