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欧洲科学家利用WIWAM XY发表拟南芥、玉米转基因品系研究文章

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来自欧洲科学家,利用WIWAM XY高通量植物表型成像系统发表了题为Functional analysis of Arabidopsis and maize transgenic lines overexpressing the ADP-ribose/NADH pyrophosphohydrolase, AtNUDX7的文章,文章发表于Int. J. Dev. Biol. WIWAM XY是比利时根特大学VIB所与SMO公司联合开发,博普特公司是其中国区总代理。


Functional analysis of Arabidopsis and maize transgenic lines overexpressing the ADP-ribose/NADH pyrophosphohydrolase, AtNUDX7

Elizabeth Njuguna 1, Griet Coussens, Pia Neyt, Stijn Aesaert, Veronique Storme, Kirin Demuynck, Hannes Vanhaeren, Stijn Dhondt, Yolaine Van Haver, Linus Paul, Dirk Inzé, Hilde Nelissen, Mieke Van Lijsebettens 


The conserved poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation (PAR) pathway consists of three genetic components that are potential targets to modulate the plant's energy homeostasis upon stress with the aim to improve yield stability in crops and help secure food supply. We studied the role of the PAR pathway component ADP-ribose/NADH pyrophosphohydrolase (AtNUDX7) in yield and mild drought stress by using a transgenic approach in Arabidopsis thaliana and maize (Zea mays). Arabidopsis AtNUDX7 cDNA was overexpressed in Arabidopsis and maize by means of the constitutive Cauliflower Mosaic Virus 35S promoter and the strong constitutive Brachypodium distachyon pBdEF1α promoter, respectively. Overexpression of AtNUDX7 in Arabidopsis improved seed parameters that were measured by a novel, automated method, accelerated flowering and reduced inflorescence height. This combination of beneficial traits suggested that AtNUDX7 overexpression in Arabidopsis might enhance the ADP-ribose recycling step and maintain energy levels by supplying an ATP source in the poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation energy homeostasis pathway. Arabidopsis and maize lines with high, medium and low overexpression levels of the AtNUDX7 gene were analysed in automated platforms and the inhibition of several growth parameters was determined under mild drought stress conditions. The data showed that the constitutive overexpression of the Arabidopsis AtNUDX7 gene in Arabidopsis and maize at varying levels did not improve tolerance to mild drought stress, but knocking down AtNUDX7 expression did, however at the expense of general growth under normal conditions.

KEY WORDS: seed yield, flowering time, water deficit, mild drought stress, constitutive promoter

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