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发表时间:2017-05-02 10:18:07点击:2181



   康奈尔大学科学家对两种新型、采用节能灯以及照明系统的植物生长箱进行了比较,步入式植物生长箱的尺寸为2.44 x 3.66 m。培养室通过96盏1.22m长,54w的冷白光HO T5 荧光灯照明,灯安装在培养室天花板上或通过14个315w的卤灯HID照明,灯分两行布置。荧光灯装在12个0.61X1.22m的灯具上((Sunlight Supply Systems, Model 960202),每个灯具包括1个反射器以及8个管。HID灯放在定制灯具上(Cycloptics All-Bright 315W),反射器安装在生长室天花板上,朝向生长室。在天花板下的96个(8X12)均一方格区的5个面板的中间来测量光强度,测量区间为0.76到1.98m,将板下测量区的培养室墙面和地板用黑色材料覆盖,不再反光,清空培养室并关上门。灯和镇流器所需功率表明:HID系统与T5系统相比可多提供较过40%-60%的光/w,在3个较低的面板,光可较均匀分布。T12荧光灯系统(58盏215w VHO冷白光灯,以前生长室就配备该灯,将其与T5荧光灯和HID系统进行了比较(生长室四个象限的单象限测量)、原光照系统与T5一样,光线分布均一,单就能源节省而言,效果较差。T5系统与T12系统相比,可提供多达4倍的光(每w),HID系统可提供多达5.5倍-6倍的光(每w)。


Next-Generation, Energy-Efficient, Uniform Supplemental Lighting for Closed-System Plant Production


D. S. de Villiers and L. D. Albright Dept of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, USA R. Tuck Cycloptics Technologies, LLC, Gambier OH, USA



Two relatively new, energy-efficient lamp types and light delivery systems for plant growth chambers were compared in matched 2.44 x 3.66 m walk-in plant growth chambers. The chambers were lit either by ninety-six 1.22 m long 54 W cool white HO T5 fluorescents arranged to cover the chamber ceiling, or by fourteen 315- watt ceramic metal halide HID lamps arranged in two rows. The fluorescents were contained in twelve 0.61 x 1.22 m luminaires (Sunlight Supply Systems, Model 960202), each containing a reflector and eight tubes. The HID lamps were housed in custom-designed luminaires (Cycloptics All-Bright 315W) with reflectors mounted above the ceiling of the chamber, opening into the chamber. Light intensities were measured at the centers of ninety-six (8 x 12) uniformly sized grid squares in five planes below the ceiling, from 0.76 to 1.98 m down, with the walls and floor of the chamber below the plane of measurement made non-reflective by covering it with black material, and keeping the chamber empty and the door closed. Wattage required by the lamps and ballasts showed the HID system provided 40% to 60% more light per watt than the T5 system, with light distributed more uniformly in the three lowest planes. A T12 fluorescent system (forty-eight 215-watt VHO cool white lamps,) with which the growth chambers were previously lamped, was also compared to the T5 fluorescent and HID systems, using measurements for single quadrants of the chambers. This was found similar to the T5 system in light distribution uniformity, but inferior to both in terms of energy efficiency. The T5 system provided nearly four times more light per watt than the T12 system, and the HID system provided five and a half to more than six times more light per watt.

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