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发表时间:2020-05-07 11:32:42点击:1254
Report发表了题为Robust increase of leaf size by Arabidopsis thaliana GRF3-like
transcription factors under different growth
北京博普特科技有限公司是比利时WIWAM植物表型成像系统中国区总代理,全面负责其系列产品在中国市场的推广销售和售后服务,利用该系统发表的较先进文章发表在Nature Biotechnology上,近年来,利用该系统发表的文章已经多达数十篇,是上先进一款可整合各种相机系统的植物表型成像系统,所发表文章都基于高通量表型成像平台,而非单个相机系统,具有“高通量”上的科学意义。
Beltramino M, Ercoli MF, Debernardi JM, Goldy C, Rojas AML, Nota F, Alvarez ME, Vercruyssen L, Inzé D, Palatnik JF, et al (2018) Robust increase of leaf size by Arabidopsis thaliana GRF3 -like transcription factors under different growth conditions. Scientific Reports 8: 13447
An increase in crop yield is essential to reassure food security to meet the accelerating global demand. Several genetic modifications can increase organ size, which in turn might boost crop yield. Still, only in a few cases their performance has been evaluated under stress conditions. MicroRNA miR396 repress the expression of GROWTH-REGULATING FACTOR (GRF) genes that codes for transcription factors that promote organ growth. Here, we show that both Arabidopsis thaliana At-GRF2 and At-GRF3 genes resistant to miR396 activity (rGRF2 and rGRF3) increased organ size, but only rGRF3 can produce this effect without causing morphological defects. Furthermore, introduction of At-rGRF3 in Brassica oleraceacan increase organ size, and when At-rGRF3 homologs from soybean and rice are introduced in Arabidopsis, leaf size is also increased. This suggests that regulation of GRF3 activity by miR396 is important for organ growth in a broad range of species. Plants harboring rGRF3 have larger leaves also under drought stress, a condition that stimulates miR396 accumulation. These plants also showed an increase in the resistance to virulent bacteria, suggesting that the size increment promoted by rGRF3occurs without an obvious cost on plant defenses. Our findings indicate that rGRF3 can increase plant organ size under both normal and stress conditions and is a valuable tool for biotechnological applications.