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2023年上半年用Imetos 3.3植物生理生态系统发表的部分文章

发表时间:2023-07-25 10:02:53点击:552



Pessl植物生理生态监测系统的全套监测系统和在线平台FieldClimate适用于所有气候区,可用于各种行业和各种用途——从农业到研究、水文、气象、洪水警报等。iMetos植物生理生态监测系统已经成为一个全球品牌,使用持续时间更长,性能更好,是通用的天气监测设备,具有早期识别和警报功能(有SMS手机提醒功能);可以用来计划、控制和管理复杂的独立气象过程。该监测系统专为不同气候区域的多种任务而设计。其可以安装多达600个传感器,如土壤和空气湿度、温度、降雨、风速、风向、叶片 湿度、总体辐射等传感器。


2023年上半年用Imetos 3.3植物生理生态系统发表的部分文章:

1、Water reuse in agriculture: a case study in Konya Closed Basin

2、Detection and quantification of Colletotrichum survival on olive tree (Olea europaea L.)

3、Combined impacts of different irrigation levels and potassium doses on drip-irrigated pomegranate yield, quality, water productivity, cracking rate, and the economic 

4、Evaluation of Water Productivity and Yield of Citrus Reticulate Blanco under Different Soil Moisture Depletion Levels and Fertilizer Doses

5、Cultivar-dependent differences in tuber growth cause increased soil resistance in potato fields

6、Predicting daily aerobiological risk level of potato late blight using C5. 0 and random forest algorithms under field conditions

7、Factors influencing the airborne sporangia concentration of Phytophthora infestans and its relationship with potato disease severity

8、Irrigated Corn Grain Yield Prediction in Florida Using Active Sensors and Plant Height

9、Water Productivity Indices of Onion (Allium cepa) under Drip Irrigation and Mulching in a Semi-Arid Tropical Region of Colombia

10、Effect of foliar treatment with chitosan on phenolic composition of῾ Fetească neagră'grapes and wines

11、Prebiotic, Bacillus subtilis and potassium phosphite on anthracnosis severity and post harvest quality in 'Méndez'avocado

12、Study of Mineral Composition and Quality of Fruit Using Vascular Restrictions in Branches of Sweet Cherry

13、Duo Activ Ticari İsimli Bitkisel Yağ Adjuvantının Bağ Küllemesine (Erysiphe necator Schw.) Karşı in vivo'da Etkinliğinin Değerlendirilmesi


15、Optimizing Planting Density in Alpine Mountain Strawberry Cultivation in Martell Valley, Italy

16、Microbiome in soils of Mendoza: microbial resources for the development of agroecological management in viticulture

17、Productivity of winter wheat (T. Aestivum, T. Durum, T. Spelta) depending on varietal characteristics in the context of climate change

18、Respostas da cultura do tomate para processamento industrial a fatores ambientais e irrigação

19、Improvement of water and crop productivity of silage maize by irrigation with different levels of recycled wastewater under conventional and zero tillage …

20、Analysis of landslide kinematics integrating weather and geotechnical monitoring data at Tan Son slow moving landslide in Ha Giang province

21、Part II—Aroma profile of twenty white grapevine varieties: a chemotaxonomic marker approach

22、Effect of Girdling and Paclobutrazol on Growth, Plant Physiology, Inflorescence and Fruiting of Mangifera indica cv. Harumanis in Agroclimatic-Zone 3 of Peninsular …

23、Duration of fungicide spray program for the control of citrus black spot in sweet orange based on cultivar maturation and orchard age

24、Caracterización morfológica, morfoestructural y faneróptica de la vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) en semicautiverio de las provincias de Andahuaylas y Aymaraes

25、Consumptive Use of Water, Yield, and Total Dry Matter of Drip-Irrigated Cabbage Grown under Different Levels of Applied Water

26、A study of kaolin effects on grapevine physiology and its ability to protect grape clusters from sunburn damage

27、The Overall Environmental Load and Resistance Risk Caused by Long-Term Fungicide Use to Control Venturia inaequalis in Apple Orchards in Latvia

28、Effect of shading determined by photovoltaic panels installed above the vines on the performance of cv. Corvina (Vitis vinifera L.)

29、Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on Tree Growth and Nutrient Content in Soil and Cherry Leaves (Prunus cerasus L.)

30、Zadání diplomové práce

31、Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on Tree Growth and Mineral Content in Soil and Cherry Leaves (Prunus cerasus L.)

32、Performance of Sweet Cherry Cultivars and Advanced Selections on Gisela 5 Rootstock in Young Orchards

33、Impatto di patogeni fungini" secondari" e procarioti sullo stato fitosanitario di vitigni resistenti a Peronospora e Oidio

34、Percepção da Autoimagem e Comportamento Alimentar em Estudantes Universitários/Perception of Self-Image and Eating Behavior in University Students

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