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Deep ultraviolet fluorescence sensing with multispectral imaging to detect and monitor food‐borne pathogens on the leafy green phyllosphere

Morpho-biochemical characterization of a RIL population for seed parameters and identification of candidate genes regulating seed size trait in lentil (Lens …

Effect of Artificial Light on the Lipid Oxidation of Whole, Cooked Northern Shrimp (Pandalus Borealis) During Frozen Storage

Convolutional Neural Networks of Whole Jujube Fruits Prediction Model Based on Multi-Spectral Imaging Method

X-ray, multispectral and chlorophyll fluorescence images: innovative methods for evaluating the physiological potential of rice seeds

Microbiological Quality Estimation of Meat Using Deep CNNs on Embedded Hardware Systems 

[PDF] An Image-based Approach of Apex Type Descriptor State Establishment using Elliptic Fourier Analysis

An Image-based Approach of Apex Type Descriptor State Establishment using Elliptic Fourier Analysis

Integrating optical imaging techniques for a novel approach to evaluate Siberian wild rye seed maturity

Cultivars identification of oat (Avena sativa L.) seed via multispectral imaging analysis 

Multispectral Imaging Distinguished Seeds at Three Maturity Stages and Two Spikelet Grain Positions in Agropyron Cristatum 

Fungal identification in peanuts seeds through multispectral images: Technological advances to enhance sanitary quality

Haploid ve Diploid Mısırların Aktif Öğrenme Yaklaşımı ile Sınıflandırılması

The enhancing effect of intercropping sugar beet with chicory on the deep root growth and nutrient uptake

Phenotypic effects of Am genomes in nascent synthetic hexaploids derived from interspecific crosses between durum and wild einkorn wheat

Efeito do tratamento de sementes de soja com micronutrientes em associação com ultrassom sobre o desenvolvimento inicial de plântulas avaliado por imagens …

Εφαρμογή των σύγχρονων μη επεμβατικών μεθόδων, FTIR, Videometer, Fresh Detect και E-nose, στην εκτίμηση της ποιότητας των ιχθύων και της νοθείας στα …

UV reflectance in crop remote sensing: Assessing the current state of knowledge and extending research with strawberry cultivars.

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