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发表时间:2023-02-06 14:42:25点击:996
具有更深根的作物是更好地开发土壤资源的新兴工具。然而,需要更深入地了解如何增加根深度。在这项研究中,提出了一种获得更深根的新方法。假定以下作具有类似底土探深能力:甜菜(甜菜)和菊苣(菊苣)间作。对生物量、深根生长和养分吸收进行了重复测量,以监测间作作物和单作作物的植物竞争动态。研究发现,间作对生物量产生了积极影响,土地当量比接近或大于1(0.99–1.14)。同样,随着时间的推移,间作的根系生长最强(深度为98±48至304±28 cm)。此外,间作中种间相互作用的影响随时间而变化。在本季的前半期,甜菜产量优势明显,促进了间作中N、Mg、Mn、Zn和Na吸收。在生长季节后期,菊苣驱动了产量优势、深根生长以及对间作中S、Fe、Cu和Al吸收。根系定量分析也证实了这一点,该分析表明,在季末,间作作物分别有84%和98%的根来自1米和2.5米深的菊苣。这项研究得出的结论是,甜菜和菊苣这两种具有相似根系特征的作物间作仍然可产生互补的相互作用,与单一作物相比,这表明了通过根系进行有效深层土壤探索的潜力和产量优势。
关键词:菊苣 深根 间作 养分吸收 甜菜
The enhancing effect of intercropping sugar beet with chicory on the deep root growth and nutrient uptake
Intercropping leads to investment in the deep root growth.
Intercropping sugar beet and chicory demonstrates better land use efficiency than sole cropping.
Interspecific interactions in the intercrop varied over time with sugar beet and chicory contributing more to the yield advantage and uptake of nutrients in the first and second half of the season, respectively.
Crops with deeper rooting is an emerging tool for better exploitation of soil resources. However, there is a need for more in-depth understanding on how the increased rooting depth may be achieved. In this study a novel approach for obtaining deeper rooting has been proposed. Crops with assumed similar capacity for subsoil exploration: sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) and chicory (Cichorium intybus var. foliosum) were intercropped. Repeated measurements of biomass, deep root growth, and nutrient uptake were conducted to monitor plant competitive dynamics in the intercrop and sole crops. It was found that the intercrop positively affected biomass production with Land Equivalent Ratio close to or greater than 1 (0.99 – 1.14). Similarly, the strongest root growth over time was observed for the intercrop (from 98 ± 48 to 304 ± 28 cm depth). Moreover, the effect from the interspecific interactions in the intercrop varied over time. In the first half of the season yield advantage and the observed enhanced contribution to the uptake of N, Mg, Mn, Zn, and Na in the intercrop were driven by the sugar beet. Later in the growing season, yield advantage, deep root growth, and contribution to the uptake of S, Fe, Cu, and Al in the intercrop were driven by the chicory. This has also been confirmed by the root quantification analysis, which showed that in the end of the season intercrop consisted of 84 % and 98 % roots from the chicory at 1 and 2.5 m depth, respectively. This study concluded that intercropping two crops with similar root characteristics, sugar beet and chicory, can still lead to complementary interactions showing potential for efficient deep soil exploration by roots and yield advantage in comparison with the sole crops.