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发表时间:2022-08-04 08:14:29点击:855
Functional phenomics for improved climate resilience in Nordic agriculture
Thomas Roitsch, Kristiina Himanen, Aakash Chawade, Laura Jaakola, Ajit Nehe, Erik Alexandersson
Journal of Experimental Botany, erac246, https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erac246
The five Nordic countries span the most northern region for field cultivation in the world. This presents challenges per se, with short growing seasons, long days, and a need for frost tolerance. Climate change has additionally increased risks for micro-droughts and water logging, as well as pathogens and pests expanding northwards. Thus, Nordic agriculture demands crops that are adapted to the specific Nordic growth conditions and future climate scenarios. A focus on crop varieties and traits important to Nordic agriculture, including the unique resource of nutritious wild crops, can meet these needs. In fact, with a future longer growing season due to climate change, the region could contribute proportionally more to global agricultural production. This also applies to other northern regions, including the Arctic. To address current growth conditions, mitigate impacts of climate change, and meet market demands, the adaptive capacity of crops that both perform well in northern latitudes and are more climate resilient has to be increased, and better crop management systems need to be built. This requires functional phenomics approaches that integrate versatile high-throughput phenotyping, physiology, and bioinformatics. This review stresses key target traits, the opportunities of latitudinal studies, and infrastructure needs for phenotyping to support Nordic agriculture.
Arctic, climate change, crop phenotyping, functional phenomics, Nordic agriculture, wild crops
Issue Section: Review Paper
There is still little attention paid to the importance of root phenotyping in general which notably also applies to research for Nordic agriculture. Both above- and belowground phenotyping under Nordic field conditions will be important to measure crop biomass to assess the effect of biostimulants and the holobiont physiology, as well as carbon sequestration. Improved and automated root phenotyping will be relevant for winter hardiness and early vigour of the important Nordic breeding targets. So far there are two unique semi-field facilities, both in Denmark, to study roots in a Nordic environment: the Radimax facility enables large-scale screening for deep rooting in combination with direct root phenotyping (Svane et al., 2019), and the Rhizobox laboratory enables detailed studies of root growth and function, by having access to soil and roots up to a depth of 4 m (Thorup-Kristensen et al., 2020). Within the Radimax facility, roots are monitored in situ by multireflectance imaging. The user-friendly convolutional neural networks solution RootPainter has been developed for faster and more accurate root image analysis, thus significantly reducing the time required for root measurement (Han et al., 2021). With these approaches, root traits for deep nitrate uptake under Nordic conditions have been identified (Wacker et al., 2022). Such facilities could be used to test root establishment and uptake of nitrogen in cereals, which can be important to screen for winter varieties and vigour in general (S. Chen et al., 2019). Estimation of root biomass and depth can help in breeding of more drought-tolerant crops with increased nutrient uptake. Furthermore, a larger root system can increase the carbon sequestration potential and mitigate elevated CO2 levels (Kell, 2011). There is, however, a clear need for an advanced facility in the northern part of the Nordic agricultural region, as this would give a better understanding of root development and architecture in more extreme conditions. In addition to the identification of new adapted cultivars, adjustments of management practices such as sowing time might be required to better match the new climate conditions. In general, there is a need for HTP and precise phenotyping efforts evaluating the impact of different management practices.
AutomatedHTP in the PhenoLab at the University of Copenhagen allowsassessment of th impact of various abiotic environmental fac-tors including expected future CO2 levels on plant responses by multireflectance, fluorescence, and thermography (Pandey et al., 2021). Finally, the Umeå Plant Science Centre hosts aunique conveyor belt-driven tree phenotyping platform which automatically monitors and records growth parameters.