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发表时间:2022-05-30 08:29:01点击:1072




1、Fluorescence spectroscopy and multispectral imaging for fingerprinting of aflatoxin-B1 contaminated (Zea mays L.) seeds: a preliminary study

2、Non-Destructive Testing of Alfalfa Seed Vigor Based on Multispectral Imaging Technology

3、A Bayesian optimal convolutional neural network approach for classification of coal and gangue with multispectral imaging

4、High-throughput phenotyping of physiological traits for wheat resilience to high temperature and drought stress

5、Monitoring the growth of Fusarium graminearum in wheat kernels using multispectral imaging with chemometric methods

6、Effects of postharvest cysteine treatment on sensory quality and contents of bioactive compounds in goji fruit

7、Non-destructive determination of color, titratable acidity, and dry matter in intact tomatoes using a portable Vis-NIR spectrometer

8、Transcriptome and Coexpression Network Analyses Provide In-Sights into the Molecular Mechanisms of Hydrogen Cyanide Synthesis during Seed Development in …

9、Use of spectroscopic sensors in meat and livestock industries

10、High-throughput phenotyping of physiological traits for wheat resilience to high temperature and drought stress

11、Semifield root phenotyping: Root traits for deep nitrate uptake

12、The use of multispectral imaging for the discrimination of Arabica and Robusta coffee beans

13、Multi-Spectral Imaging for Fruits and Vegetables

14、Application of Multispectral Imaging Combined with Machine Learning for Rapid and Non-Destructive Detection of Zearalenone (Zen) in Maize

15、Spectroscopy and imaging technologies coupled with machine learning for the assessment of the microbiological spoilage associated to ready-to-eat leafy vegetables

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