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发表时间:2022-05-12 11:23:21点击:853
Dualex是一款源自于法国国家科学院 (CNRS)及巴黎第十一大学技术,由奥地利PESSL公司生产(原法国Force-A公司)开发的新型多功能叶片测量仪。它可同时准确测量叶片的叶绿素含量、叶片表层的类黄酮和花青素含量,适用于植物生理学和农学(如水稻叶绿素浓度,玉米氮素状况,葡萄藤等)相关研究。
1、Physiological Performance and Biomass Growth of Different Black Locust Origins Growing on a Post-Mining Reclamation Site in Eastern Germany
2、Combining leaf fluorescence and active canopy reflectance sensing technologies to diagnose maize nitrogen status across growth stages
3、Evaluation of SIF retrievals from narrow-band and sub-nanometer airborne hyperspectral imagers flown in tandem: Modelling and validation in the context of plant
4、Winter Wheat Nitrogen Estimation Based on Ground-Level and UAV-Mounted Sensors
5、Monitoring nitrogen variability in two Mediterranean ornamental shrubs through proximal fluorescence-based sensors at leaf and canopy level
6、Assessment of leaf photosynthetic performances and bioaccumulation of trace metals by lettuce leaves and strawberry fruits amended with sewage sludge: Which …
7、Sensor-Based Phenotyping of Plant's Physiological Responses to Abiotic Stress
7、Exploring hyperspectral reflectance indices for the estimation of water and nitrogen status of spinach
8、Genetic control of source–sink relationships in grain sorghum
9、Composted Solid Digestate and Vineyard Winter Prunings Partially Replace Peat in Growing Substrates for Micropropagated Highbush Blueberry in the Nursery
10、Effect of Rhizobacteria and Microalgae Treatments on Some Physiological and Biochemical Parameters of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) Grown …
11、The plastid-nucleus localized DNA-binding protein WHIRLY1 is required for acclimation of barley leaves to high light
12、Phenotyping to dissect the biostimulant action of a protein hydrolysate in tomato plants under combined abiotic stress
13、Freezing induces an increase in leaf spectral transmittance of forest understorey and alpine forbs
14、Differential Expression of 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate Synthase and Oxidase Gene Family in Micro-Tom Tomato Leaves and Roots Under Short Daily UV …
15、Humic Acid Alleviates Fe Chlorosis in Graminaceous Plants Through Coordinated Fe-Dependent and Fe-Independent Mechanisms
16、Comparison of Proximal Remote Sensing Devices of Vegetable Crops to Determine the Role of Grafting in Plant Resistance to Meloidogyne incognita
17、Advances in the estimations and applications of critical nitrogen dilution curve and nitrogen nutrition index of major cereal crops. A review
18、The response of mesophyll conductance to ozone-induced oxidative stress is genotype-dependent in poplar
19、Uv Radiation and Drought Interact Differently in Grass and Herb Species of the Mountain Grassland
20、The phytoextraction power of Cichorium intybus L. on metal-contaminated soil: Focus on time-and cultivar-depending accumulation and distribution of cadmium, lead …
21、Leaf and Canopy Traits Associated with Stay-Green Expression Are Closely Related to Yield Components of Wheat Genotypes with Contrasting Tolerance to Water …
22、Deep capillary impact of a psyllid gall on its host ecophysiology, architecture and performance
23、Dataset of above and below ground traits assessed in Durum wheat cultivars grown under Mediterranean environments differing in water and temperature …
24、Does Uv Radiation Mitigate the Negative Effects of Water Deficit Differently in Grass and Herb Species in the Mountain Grassland?
25、Urban conditions affect soil characteristics and physiological performance of three evergreen woody species
26、Salinity, waterlogging and elevated [CO2] induced interactive and complicated responses in cultivated and wild tomato
27、Synergy of Sentinel-2A and Near-proximal sensor data for deriving biochemical parameters of paddy at different growth stages
28、Potential involvement of proline and flavonols in plant responses to ozone
29、Effects of rhizobacteria and algal species on physiological and biochemical parameters in Calendula officinalis L. under different irrigation regimes
30、WHIRLY1 recruits the histone deacetylase HDA15 repressing leaf senescence and flowering in Arabidopsis
31、Biochar as Soil Amendment for the Tree Establishment Phase: What Consequences for Tree Physiology, Soil Quality and Carbon Sequestration?
32、[PDF] Analysis of Bioresource Collections on Climatic Rhythms and Phenological Processes
33、An uncommon garden experiment: microenvironment has stronger influence on phenotypic variation than epigenetic memory in the clonal Lombardy poplar
34、Assessment of consumer-grade camera-derived vegetation indices for monitoring nitrogen and leaf relative water content of maize
35、Nitrate Leaching in Maize (Zea mays L.) and Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Irrigated Cropping Systems under Nitrification Inhibitor and/or Intercropping Effects
36、Zinc biofortification of hydroponic mustard microgreens grown under different red and blue LED lighting ratios
37、Response of spinach plants to different doses of two commercial nanofertilizers
38、Estimation of Nitrogen Status in Plants
39、Adaptive divergence generates distinct plastic responses in two closely related Senecio species
40、Evaluation of the growth, storage root yield, proximate composition, and mineral content of colored sweet potato genotypes
41、Dynamics of Indicators of the Ecological State of Shrubs, Taking into Account their Taxonomic and Age Specifics for the Prediction of their Longevity
42、Influence of 24-Epibrassinolide on Physiological Characteristics of Tomato Seedlings Infested with Root-knot Nematode Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid & White, 1919) …
43、Combining N fertilization with biochar affects root-shoot growth, rhizosphere soil properties and bacterial communities under sugarcane monocropping
44、Increased cuticular wax deposition does not change residual foliar transpiration
45、Effects of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) Strain Bacillus licheniformis with Biochar Amendment on Potato Growth and Water Use Efficiency under …
46、Leaf morphology, wax composition, and residual (cuticular) transpiration of four poplar clones
47、Optimization of protocol for construction of fungal ITS amplicon library for high-throughput illumina sequencing to study the mycobiome of aspen leaves
48、Comparing Efficacy of Different Biostimulants for Hydroponically Grown Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)
49、Ranking of Shrubs by Degree of Stability
50、The Effects of Nano-copper,-molybdenum,-boron, and-silica on Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Growth, Antioxidant Properties, and Mineral Uptake
51、Toxicity of Tire Particles Released from Personal Mobilities (Bicycles, Cars, and Electric Scooters) on Soil Organisms
52、The Multiway Support of Phytoremediation Efficiency of Soil that Has Been Historically Co-Contaminated with Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Heavy Metals Using Zea …
53、Use of fluorescence indices as predictors of crop N status and yield for greenhouse sweet pepper crops
54、Microplastics from shoe sole fragments cause oxidative stress in a plant (Vigna radiata) and impair soil environment
55、Ornamental cauliflower production using growth regulator
56、Ridge-Furrow with Plastic Film Mulching and Different Urea Types Improve Water Use Efficiency and Potato Yield in a Semi-Arid Dryland Farming System
57、Handheld Multifunctional Fluorescence Imager for Non-invasive Plant Phenotyping
58、Circular hazelnut protection by lignocellulosic waste valorization for nanopesticides development
59、Interactive effects of nitrogen, UV and PAR on barley morphology and biochemistry are associated with the leaf C: N balance
60、Evaluating the physiological and biochemical responses of melon plants to NaCl salinity stress using supervised and unsupervised statistical analysis
61、Wood production and nutritional and antioxidant status of field-grown Eucalyptus under a differential supply of lime and copper plus zinc
62、Do stimulate® and acadian® promote increased growth and physiological indices of Hymenaea courbaril seedlings?
63、Involvement of Pseudomonas simiae PICF7 genes in endophytic lifestyle, biological control and plant growth promotion
64、Additive Effect of Heatwave and Water Stresses on Soybean Seed Yield is Caused by Impaired Carbon Assimilation at Pod Formation But Not at Flowering
65、Effect of microfibers combined with UV-B and drought on plant community
66、Identification of QTLs affecting post-anthesis heat stress responses in European bread wheat
67、Identification of Potential Pathways of Morella cerifera Seedlings in Response to Alkali Stress via Transcriptomic Analysis
68、Technology and Data Fusion Methods to Enhance Site-Specific Crop Monitoring
69、Drought, Low Nitrogen Stress, and Ultraviolet-B Radiation Effects on Growth, Development, and Physiology of Sweetpotato Cultivars during Early Season
70、A meta‐analysis of the interactive effects of UV and drought on plants
71、Is Disease Induced by Flooding Representative of Nursery Conditions in Rhododendrons Infected with Phytophthora cinnamomi or P. plurivora?
72、Uticaj dehidratacije i rehidratacije na fiziološki odgovor i ekspresiju gena za akvaporine i metabolizam apscisinske kiseline kod Impatiens walleriana
73、In vitro Anticancer Activity of the Polar Fraction From the Lophocereus schottii Ethanolic Extract.
74、Cadmium Accumulation in a Tropicalized Lettuce Variety Under Overfertilization Simulation
75、Mum is Always Right–Different Growth Light Colours Differentially Regulate Morphology, Physiology and Metabolism of Chrysanthemum Morifolium Without Affecting …Integrated physiological and metabolomic analyses of 76、the effect of potassium fertilizer on Citrus fruit splitting
77、Condensed tannins as antioxidants that protect poplar against oxidative stress from drought and UV‐B
78、Durum wheat ideotypes in Mediterranean environments differing in water and temperature conditions
79、Yacon development and production under different potassium fertilisation doses
80、Does tomato breeding for improved performance under LED supplemental lighting make sense?
81、 Heterosis and reciprocal effects for physiological and morphological traits of popcorn plants under different water conditions
82、Ecological and evolutionary drivers of phenotypic and genetic variation in the European crabapple (Malus sylvestris (L.) Mill.), a wild relative of the cultivated apple
83、Flowering and Non-Flowering Spur Leaf Characteristics of'Amasya'Apple and Its Comparison with Other Cultivars
84、Produção de couve-flor ornamental com uso de regulador de crescimento
85、Exploring cellulose nanocrystals obtained from olive tree wastes as sustainable crop protection tool against bacterial diseases
86、Apple fruit growth and quality depend on the position in tree canopy
87、Gewasbescherming uit siergewassen
88、High-throughput sequencing data revealed genotype-specific changes evoked by heat stress in crown tissue of barley sdw1 near-isogenic lines
89、Proximal Sensing Sensors for Monitoring Crop Growth
90、MicroRNA840 (MIR840) accelerates leaf senescence by targeting the overlapping 3′UTRs of PPR and WHIRLY3 in Arabidopsis thaliana
91、Adaptation of the regional agronomic diagnosis for grapevine yield analysis
92、Pocket-sized sensor for controlled, quantitative and instantaneous color acquisition of plant leaves
93、Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer Splitting on Eco-Physiological Traits of Two Maize Cultivars under Normal Irrigation and Stress
94、Tratamento de sementes de soja com micronutrientes apresentando diferentes níveis de vigor: absorção durante a germinação e efeitos sobre o potencial fisiológico …
95、Quantification of the pluriannual dynamics of grapevine growth responses to nitrogen supply using a Bayesian approach