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利用WIWAM XY植物表型成像系统发表多篇植物表型组研究论文

发表时间:2021-08-24 14:40:06点击:1328



近来,来自欧洲的的科学家利用WIWAM XY植物表型系统发表了多篇论文例如题为Drought resistance is mediated by divergent strategies in closely related Brassicaceae的文章,发表在植物学期刊New Phytologist上;题为题为Respiratory CO2 Combined With a Blend of Volatiles Emitted by Endophytic Serendipita Strains Strongly Stimulate Growth of Arabidopsis Implicating Auxin and Cytokinin Signaling的文章,FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE;题为Nighttime gibberellin biosynthesis is influenced by fluctuating environmental conditions and contributes to growth adjustments of Arabidopsis leaves,发表于Microbiological Research

WIWAM XY作为一款通用的表型成像系统,已经广泛应用于各种小植物表型以及微生物研究并发表了系列文章,WIWAM XY是一款高通量可重复性表型机器人,用于对小型植物, 如拟南芥植物的研究。该机器人可定期对多种植物参数进行自动化灌溉和并测量多种植物生长参数。WIWAM XY代替了很多手工处理,省时省钱,精度极高。


WIWAM XY由花盆定位桌面, 不同个体线路, 上方机器臂以及1或多个成像或称重/浇水站组成。全套系统可以安装在现有生长室,内置高品质工业部件,可按用户要求进行定制。

植物在各自花盆内生长, 预设时间间隔,机器臂提取植物, 将其带到成像和称重浇水工作站。机器臂按照程序设定移动到花盆上方,并将其提升脱离桌面。设备可配RFID读取装置以及花盆可贴上FID 标签,可作为额外花盆识别法 ,识别和校正桌面上因手工花盆安置造成的错误。通常旁边取景照相机从不同角度获得图像。成像站可安装一系列照相机系统。组合称重/浇水站集成在机器臂上。花盆中植物在浇水时旋转以获得水分布 。灌溉精度极高可达 +/- 0.1 mL。另外,灌溉可基于自动目标重量计算或固定量。在整个实验过程中,可控制土壤湿度水准 。集成光,温度和湿度传感器可监控温度,详细记录实验生长条件。


WIWAM XY植物表型成像系统定制版


实验中利用该系统进行了拟南芥中的花青素和叶绿素含量测量(指数AriIdx和ChlIdx)并测量了与PSII最大量子效率相关的叶绿素荧光参数。所有数据都由可控环境中的自动植物表型成像平台-WIWAM XY 系统 (SMO, Eeklo, Belgium) 生成,该系统配备了6-Mp 16-bit 3CCD 顶视相机,相机安装在直角坐标机器人上,用于高通量和高分辨率荧光和多光谱成像。

Drought resistance is mediated by divergent strategies in closely related Brassicaceae


Droughts cause severe crop losses worldwide and climate change is projected to increase their prevalence in the future. Similar to the situation for many crops, the reference plant Arabidopsis thaliana (Ath) is considered drought-sensitive, whereas, as we demonstrate, its close relatives Arabidopsis lyrata (Aly) and Eutrema salsugineum (Esa) are drought-resistant.



To understand the molecular basis for this plasticity we conducted a deep phenotypic, biochemical and transcriptomic comparison using developmentally matched plants.

We demonstrate that Aly responds most sensitively to decreasing water availability with early growth reduction, metabolic adaptations and signaling network rewiring. By contrast,Esa is in a constantly prepared mode as evidenced by high basal proline levels, ABA signaling transcripts and late growth responses. The stress-sensitive Ath responds later than Aly and earlier than Esa, although its responses tend to be more extreme. All species detect water scarcity with similar sensitivity; response differences are encoded in downstream signaling and esponse networks. Moreover, several signaling genes expressed at higher basal levels in both Aly and Esa have been shown to increase water-use efficiency and drought resistance when overexpressed in Ath.

Our data demonstrate contrasting strategies of closely related Brassicaceae to achieve drought resistance.





Nighttime gibberellin biosynthesis is influenced by fluctuating environmental conditions and contributes to growth adjustments of Arabidopsis leaves



Optimal plant growth performance requires that the action of growth signals, such as gibberellins (GA), are coordinated with the availability of photo-assimilates. Here, we studied the links between gibberellin biosynthesis and carbon availability, and the subsequent effects on growth. The results presented here show that carbon availability, light and dark cues, and the clock ensure the timing and magnitude of gibberellin biosynthesis and that disruption of these mechanisms results in reduced gibberellin levels and expression of downstream genes.

Carbon dependent nighttime induction of GIBBERELLIN 3-BETA-DIOXYGENASE 1 (GA3ox1) was severely hampered when preceded by a day of lowered light availability, leading specifically to reduced bioactive GA 4 levels, and coinciding with a decline in leaf expansion rate during the night. We attribute this decline in leaf expansion mostly to reduced photo-assimilates. However, plants where gibberellin limitation was alleviated had significantly improved expansion demonstrating the relevance of gibberellins in growth control under varying carbon availability. Carbon dependent expression of upstream gibberellin biosynthesis genes (KAURENE SYNTHASE, KS and GIBBERELLIN 20 OXIDASE 1, GA20ox1) was not translated into metabolite changes within this short timeframe.We propose a model where the extent of nighttime biosynthesis of bioactive GA 4 by GA3ox1 is determined by starch, as the nighttime carbon source, and so provides day-to-day adjustment of gibberellin responses.


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