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发表时间:2021-08-12 15:13:21点击:1138



来自荷兰的科学家最近利用Plantarray植物生理研究平台发表了题为High-Resolution Analysis of Growth and Transpiration of Quinoa Under Saline Conditions的文章,文章发表于知名期刊Front. Plant Sci., 05 August 2021 |https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2021.634311。该系统在瓦大安装时间并不长。 

High-Resolution Analysis of Growth and Transpiration of Quinoa Under Saline Conditions 

Viviana Jaramillo Roman1,2, Rick van de Zedde3, Joseph Peller3, Richard G. F. Visser1, C. Gerard van der Linden1 and Eibertus N. van Loo1* 

1Plant Breeding, Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, Netherlands

2Graduate School Experimental Plant Sciences, Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands

3Wageningen Plant Research, Wageningen, Netherlands


The Plantarray 3.0 phenotyping platform® was used to monitor the growth and water use of the quinoa varieties Pasto and selRiobamba under salinity (0–300 mM NaCl). Salinity reduced the cumulative transpiration of both varieties by 60% at 200 mM NaCl and by 75 and 82% at 300 mM NaCl for selRiobamba and Pasto, respectively. Stomatal conductance was reduced by salinity, but at 200 mM NaCl Pasto showed a lower reduction (15%) than selRiobamba (35%), along with decreased specific leaf area. Diurnal changes in water use parameters indicate that under salt stress, daily transpiration in quinoa is less responsive to changes in light irradiance, and stomatal conductance is modulated to maximize CO2 uptake and minimize water loss following the changes in VPD (vapor pressure deficit). These changes might contribute to the enhanced water use efficiency of both varieties under salt stress. The mechanistic crop model LINTUL was used to integrate physiological responses into the radiation use efficiency of the plants (RUE), which was more reduced in Pasto than selRiobamba under salinity. By the end of the experiment (eleven weeks after sowing, six weeks after stress), the growth of Pasto was significantly lower than selRiobamba, fresh biomass was 50 and 35% reduced at 200 mM and 70 and 50% reduced at 300 mM NaCl for Pasto and selRiobamba, respectively. We argue that contrasting water management strategies can at least partly explain the differences in salt tolerance between Pasto and selRiobamba. Pasto adopted a “conservative-growth” strategy, saving water at the expense of growth, while selRiobamba used an “acquisitive-growth” strategy, maximizing growth in spite of the stress. The implementation of high-resolution phenotyping could help to dissect these complex growth traits that might be novel breeding targets for abiotic stress tolerance.  

High-Resolution Analysis of Growth and Transpiration of Quinoa Under Saline Conditions
Eibertus N, van Loou. (2021), Front. Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2021634311

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