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来自欧洲的科学家近期利用VideometerLab系统在知名期刊Agronomy Journal发表了题为Determination of Sitotroga cerealella infestation in wheat seeds by radiographic and multispectral images文章。
Determination of Sitotroga cerealella infestation in wheat seeds by radiographic and multispectral images
Fabiano França-Silva, Carlos Henrique Queiroz Rego, Francisco Guilhien Gomes-Junior, Vivian Aparecida Brancaglioni, Welinton Yoshio Hirai, Daniele Brandstetter Rodrigues, Andreia da Silva Almeida, Andrea Bicca Noguez Martins, Lilian Vanussa Madruga de Tunes … See fewer authors
First published: 11 June 2020
Radiographic and multispectral image analysis have potential to be efficient, objective methods for assessing seed quality and internal insect infestation. The aim of this study was to verify the efficiency of radiographic and multispectral analysis in detecting signs and damage caused by Angoumois grain moth [Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier)] and its different developmental stages in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seeds. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with six replications of 50 seeds. The samples were subjected to laboratory-induced infestation and after 5 and 10 d, radiographic and multispectral analysis were conducted. Afterwards, the seeds were immersed in water for 24 h and then sectioned with a cutting blade. The number of seeds with signs of eggs or oviposition, larvae, pupae, adult insects and insect galleries was quantified. The generalized linear models (GLM) methodology was used and the Tukey test (p < .05) was used to compare the means. In general, the radiographic (with or without contrast) and multispectral methods are viable tools to evaluate insect-infested and uninfested wheat seeds. Multispectral analysis was efficient only in identifying eggs on the seed surface and does not detect the presence of larvae and pupae inside the seeds.