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最近,科学家利用Plantarray植物功能生理表型测量系统,发表了题“Whole-Plant Physiological Identification and Quantification of Disease Progression”的文章,该系统可用于植物病害表型组学领域的病害进展的全植物生理鉴定和量化。
传统上,对植物症状的视觉估计用于量化疾病的严重程度.然而,用于评估这些表型的方法通常是主观的,不允许从非常早期的阶段跟踪疾病的进展。在这里,我们假设全植物生理生命功能的定量分析可用于客观地确定植物健康,从而提供一种更灵敏的疾病检测方法。我们研究了由尖孢镰刀菌 f. sp. lycopersici (Fol) 引起的番茄枯萎病。使用全植株蒸渗功能表型系统比较受感染和未受感染番茄植株的生理性能。以定量方式连续和同时测量植物的水分平衡性状。受感染的植物表现出蒸腾作用和生物量增加的早期减少,这在视觉疾病症状之前。这些蒸腾变化被证明是评估植物对感染的易感性和真菌毒力的有效定量指标。与真菌生长和毒素释放相关的生理变化导致初始感染阶段的水力传导降低。功能表型分析方法客观地捕捉了早期疾病进展,推进了植物疾病的研究和管理。这种方法强调了定量全植物生理分析的潜力,而不是传统的视觉估计了解和检测植物病害。
早期检测,尖孢镰刀菌 f. sp. Lycopersici,叶片水力学,蒸渗透-仪,植物病害, 全植物生理学
Whole-Plant Physiological Identification and Quantification of Disease Progression
Visual estimates of plant symptoms are traditionally used to quantify disease severity.Yet,the methodologies used to assess these phenotypes are often subjective and do not allow for tracking the disease’s progression from very early stages. Here, we hypothesized that quantitative analysis of whole-plant physiological vital functions can be used to objectively determine plant health, providing a more sensitive way to detect disease. We studied the tomato wilt that is caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (Fol). Physiological performance of infected and non-infected tomato plants was compared using a whole-plant lysimeter functional-phenotyping system. Water-balance traits of the plants were measured continuously and simultaneously in a quantitative manner. Infected plants exhibited early reductions in transpiration and biomass gain, which preceded visual disease symptoms. These changes in transpiration proved to be effective quantitative indicators for assessing both the plant's susceptibility to infection and the virulence of the fungus. Physiological changes linked to fungal outgrowth and toxin release contributed to reduced hydraulic conductance during initial infection stages. The functional-phenotyping method objectively captures early-stage disease progression, advancing plant disease research and management. This approach emphasizes the potential of quantitative whole-plant physiological analysis over traditional visual estimates for
understanding and detecting plant diseases.
Key words:
Early detection, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, leaf hydraulics, lysimeter, plant disease, whole-plant physiology