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发表时间:2022-10-10 16:25:05点击:831
Pessl植物生理生态监测系统的全套监测系统和在线平台FieldClimate适用于所有气候区,可用于各种行业和各种用途——从农业到研究、水文、气象、洪水警报等。iMetos植物生理生态监测系统已经成为一个全球品牌,使用持续时间更长,性能更好,是通用的天气监测设备,具有早期识别和警报功能(有SMS手机提醒功能);可以用来计划、控制和管理复杂的独立气象过程。该监测系统专为不同气候区域的多种任务而设计。其可以安装多达600个传感器,如土壤和空气湿度、温度、降雨、风速、风向、叶片 湿度、总体辐射等传感器。
摘要:用于确定蒸散量 (ETc) 的 Penman-Monteith 方法的计算方程源自土壤表层能量平衡,ETc对ETo的依赖性反映了培养系数Kc。由于 Kc (FAO) 的值是标准气候条件的典型值,被定义为亚湿润气候,因此有必要针对气候较干燥的乌克兰草原的条件评估该模型。因此,科学研究的目的是使确定 ETc“Penman-Monteith”蒸发量的计算方法适应乌克兰草原对大豆作物的灌溉条件。工作涉及进行短期现场实验、普遍接受的分析研究方法;使用方差、相关、回归和变分分析方法。使用数字互联网气象站 iMetos® 和多传感器探头 AquaSpy CTG-02 建立实际的大豆灌溉制度、ETo 的参考蒸散量、ETс 的蒸散量计算值和实际值。根据大田试验结果,根据不同成熟度组大豆品种的主要发育阶段,利用与标准条件的偏差,调整作物系数Kc。研究证实,乌克兰草原灌溉条件下大豆的实际作物系数 Kc 值不同于典型的 Kc (FAO)。研究发现,在植物发育的初期和末期,Kc(FAO)高估了ETc蒸散量的实际值42.8%,而在中期,反而低估了4.2-11.5%。在标准条件下计算蒸散量时使用 Kc (FAO) 会导致大豆生长季节开始和结束时过度浇水,以及在植物发育的关键时期(“开始阶段”)水分储备不足。开花倒豆”)。建议今后使用“Penman-Monteith”方法确定ETс的实际蒸散量,并在此基础上对大豆灌溉制度进行操作控制,同时考虑培养系数Kc的调整值。
The calculated equation of the Penman-Monteith method for determining evapotranspiration (ETc) is derived from the equation of energy balance of the soil surface, and the dependence of ETc on ETo reflects the culture coefficient Kc. Since the values of Kc (FAO) are typical values for standard climatic conditions, which are defined as sub-humid climate, it is necessary to evaluate this model for the conditions of the Steppe of Ukraine, whose climate is drier. Thus, the aim of scientific research was the adaptation of the calculation method for determining the evapotranspiration of the ETc “Penman-Monteith” to the irrigated conditions of the Steppe of Ukraine on the soybean crop. The work involved conduction of shortterm field experiments, generally accepted analytical research methods; the use of methods of variance, correlation, regression and variational analysis. The actual soybean irrigation regime, the reference evapotranspiration of ETo, the calculated and actual values of evapotranspiration of ETс were established using the digital Internet meteorological station iMetos® and the multisensor probe AquaSpy CTG-02. Based on the results of the field experiment, the crop coefficient Kc was adjusted according to the main phases of development of soybean varieties of different ripeness groups using deviations from standard conditions. The research confirms that the value of the actual crop coefficient Kc for soybeans under irrigation conditions of the Steppe of Ukraine differs from the typical Kc (FAO). It was found that at the initial and final stages of plant development, Kc (FAO) overestimates the actual values of ETc evapotranspiration to 42.8%, and in the middle phase, on the contrary, underestimates by 4.2-11.5%. The use of Kc (FAO) in the calculations of evapotranspiration for standard conditions leads to over-watering at the beginning and at the end of the growing season of soybeans and a deficiency of moisture reserves in the critical period of plant development (phase “beginning of floweringpoured beans”). It is recommended to use the “Penman-Monteith” method in the future to determine the actual evapotranspiration of ETс and operative control of the soybean’s irrigation regime on this basis, taking into account the adjusted values of the culture coefficients Kc.