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发表时间:2022-09-13 13:37:20点击:761
Pessl植物生理生态监测系统的全套监测系统和在线平台FieldClimate适用于所有气候区,可用于各种行业和各种用途——从农业到研究、水文、气象、洪水警报等。iMetos植物生理生态监测系统已经成为一个全球品牌,使用持续时间更长,性能更好,是通用的天气监测设备,具有早期识别和警报功能(有SMS手机提醒功能);可以用来计划、控制和管理复杂的独立气象过程。该监测系统专为不同气候区域的多种任务而设计。其可以安装多达600个传感器,如土壤和空气湿度、温度、降雨、风速、风向、叶片 湿度、总体辐射等传感器。
摘要:山洪预警模型基于与流域相关的水文和地貌概念,其原则是山洪只有在潜在风险高且降雨量超过阈值时才会发生。在用于构建山洪风险图的模型中,对流域的参数进行了分析和评估,并使用 Thomas Saaty 的层次分析法 (AHP) 确定了权重。山洪预警软件是使用开源编程工具构建的。通过空间模块和在线处理,对 iMETOS(AgriMedia-Vietnam)自动气象站提前一到六天的预测降水进行插值,然后使用潜在风险图进行处理(iMETOS 是一个天气环境监测系统,包括广泛的设备和在线平台,可用于农业、旅游和服务等各个领域)。结果确定了与气象站预测降雨值相对应的几个风险级别的山洪暴发位置。该系统构建并应用于山罗省顺洲地区降雨量超过150毫米/天阈值时的山洪灾害预警。该系统最初支持积极的决策,以防止和减少山洪造成的破坏。
A Robust Early Warning System for Preventing Flash Floods in Mountainous Area in Vietnam
The early-warning model for flash floods is based on a hydrological and geomorphological concept connected to the river basin, with the principle that flash floods will only occur where there is a high potential risk and when rainfall exceeds the threshold. In the model used to build flash-floods risk maps, the parameters of the basin are analyzed and evaluated and the weight is determined using Thomas Saaty’s analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The flash-floods early-warning software is built using open source programming tools. With the spatial module and online processing, a predicted precipitation of one to six days in advance for iMETOS (AgriMedia—Vietnam) automatic meteorological stations is interpolated and then processed with the potential risk maps (iMETOS is a weather-environment monitoring system comprising a wide range of equipment and an online platform and can be used in various fields such as agriculture, tourism and services). The results determine the locations of flash floods at several risk levels corresponding to the predicted rainfall values at the meteorological stations. The system was constructed and applied to flash floods disaster early warning for Thuan Chau in Son La province when the rainfall exceeded the 150 mm/d threshold. The system initially supported positive decision-making to prevent and minimize damage caused by flash floods.