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发表时间:2022-04-11 09:20:54点击:1515
生物刺激剂可以提高园艺作物的产量。然而,它们在水培生菜中的应用仍然有限,而且缺乏关于其相对功效的信息。为了解决这个问题,进行了温室试验。在两个莴苣品种:白头莴苣和红栎叶上进行了五种营养液处理。处理包括半强度改良霍格兰溶液(Hs-H);全强度改性霍格兰溶液(Fs-H);补充50 mg L的Hs-H−1黄腐酸(FA),334毫克升−1份海藻提取物(SE)或5毫升−1-γ-聚谷氨酸(PGA)。结果表明,添加生物刺激剂后观察到的地上部生物量显著大于或可与使用Fs-H观察到的地上部生物量相媲美。与使用Hs-H和Fs-H处理相比,添加硒和PGA的营养液导致根系生物量的增加更大。在所有处理中,Hs-H+FA处理的鲜重根冠比最低。与Fs-H和Hs-H处理相比,添加生物刺激剂后,地上部的硝酸盐浓度显著降低。与使用Hs-H和Fs-H处理相比,添加硒和PGA的营养液也降低了可溶性糖浓度。FA和SE提高了两个品种的养分吸收,但PGA对养分吸收的影响最小。这两个品种在生物量、品质性状和养分吸收方面对生物刺激剂补充的反应不同。本研究支持在水培生菜生产系统中使用黄腐酸和海藻提取物,而不是γ-PGA。
Comparing Efficacy of Different Biostimulants for Hydroponically Grown Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)
Biostimulants can enhance horticultural crop production. However, their application in hydroponically grown lettuce is still limited, and information regarding their relative efficacy is lacking. A greenhouse trial was conducted to address this issue. Five nutrient solution treatments were evaluated on two lettuce cultivars: butterhead and red oak-leaf. The treatments included a half-strength modified Hoagland solution (Hs-H); a full-strength modified Hoagland solution (Fs-H); and Hs-H supplemented with 50 mg L−1 fulvic acid (FA), 334 mg L−1 seaweed extract (SE), or 5 mL L−1 gamma polyglutamic acid (PGA). The results indicated that the shoot biomass observed after biostimulant supplementation was significantly greater than or comparable to that observed with Fs-H. Nutrient solutions supplemented with SE and PGA led to a greater increase in the root biomass than that realized with Hs-H and Fs-H treatments. The Hs-H + FA treatment resulted in the lowest root-to-shoot ratio on a fresh weight basis among all treatments. The nitrate concentration in the shoot was significantly reduced following biostimulant supplementation compared to that realized with Fs-H and Hs-H treatments. Nutrient solutions supplemented with SE and PGA also decreased soluble sugar concentrations compared to that achieved using Hs-H and Fs-H treatments. FA and SE improved nutrient uptake for both cultivars, but PGA had a minimal effect on nutrient uptake. The two cultivars varied in their responses to biostimulant supplementation with regard to biomass, quality traits, and nutrient uptake. This study supports using fulvic acid and seaweed extract, rather than γ-PGA, in hydroponic lettuce production systems.
Keywords: biostimulants; seaweed extract; fulvic acid; γ-PGA; biomass; quality; nutrient uptake