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发表时间:2022-03-23 11:11:20点击:1107
由于环境的影响,普通菜豆(Phaelous vulgaris L.)的遗传育种进展受限。基因型产量构成因素的行为因作物环境而异。基因型x环境的相互作用会导致在一个地方高产的基因型在其他地方有不同表现,这就限制了不同环境下品种的推荐。本研究的目的是评估高热带环境下新改良大豆品种的农艺性状,确定哪些品种对产量表现出表型稳定性。2016年和2017年,在哥伦比亚坎迪纳马卡省的两个地区进行了多环境试验。基因型x环境的交互作用存在显著差异,而评价环境和基因型存在极显著差异。最大的变异归因于遗传效应,其次是环境效应和基因型x环境交互作用。产量的前两个主成分占基因型x环境互作变异的88.86%。具有攀援生长习性的品种Serrania和Sutagao被鉴定为稳定且具有高产潜力,因此可以被认为是大豆种植者的商业替代品。
Grain yield and genotype x environment interaction in bean cultivars with different growth habits
Breeding of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) shows restrictions in the genetic advance because of the effect of the environment. Therefore, the behavior of the yield components of genotypes varies according to the crop’s environment. The genotype x environment interaction can cause genotypes with high yields in one location not to behave in the same way in other localities, which limits the recommendation of cultivars for different environments. The objective of this research was to evaluate agronomic traits in new improved bean cultivars in high tropic environments, as well as to determine which cultivars show phenotypic stability for yield. Multi-environment tests were carried out during 2016 and 2017 in two regions of the department of Cundinamarca, in Colombia. Significant differences were found for the genotype x environment interaction and highly significant differences for the evaluation environments and genotypes. The greatest variation was attributed to genetic effects, followed by environmental effects and the genotype x environment interaction. The first two principal components for grain yield showed 88.86% of the variation of the genotype x environment interaction. Cultivars Serrania and Sutagao, of climbing growth habit, were identified as stable and with high yield potential, so they can be considered as a commercial alternative for bean growers.
Multi-environmentAMMISREGP haseolus vulgarisyield components
Imetos 300 meteorological stations were installed inthe municipalities of Simijaca, Guacheta, and Gachala.Variables were monitored and recorded in real time using the web-based software Fielclimate® (www.fielclimate.com, Pessl Intruments©, Weiz, Austria).