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发表时间:2022-03-16 13:42:07点击:857
干旱是突尼斯最重要的胁迫,会大幅降低作物产量。因此,开发耐旱大麦和硬粒小麦品种势在必行。本研究旨在筛选大麦(Hordeum vulgare L.)和硬粒小麦(Triticum turgidum ssp.durum)产生变异的耐水性。两个商业基因型的大麦“Rihane”和硬粒小麦“Maali”受到三种水平的γ辐射;100Gy、150Gy和250Gy。利用早期活力(Z14)和保持绿色表型(Z59)参数在M2上进行选择,从而分别鉴定出70和167个大麦和硬粒小麦的潜在突变体。与对照相比,对所有选择的突变体进行形态学、生理学和产量变异性评估。所选大麦突变体的产量构成比未辐照对照的平均产量构成高。硬粒小麦M2突变体在所有γ射线照射下都表现出较高的农业形态参数。在100和150gy的低辐射水平下,观察到了较高的分蘖数和可育分蘖数。用Fv/Fm和Fv/F0测定的光合活性在100gy以下有所提高。此外,在250gy以下,产量构成因素也得到了改善。此外,结果表明,在M3籽粒上测得的δ15N(‰)和δ13C(‰)不能区分耐性突变体。所有测得的参数将在下一代中用于评估大麦和硬粒小麦诱变育种过程的变异性和效率。
Pre-Field Screening of Potential Barley and Durum Wheat Mutants for Drought Tolerance
Drought is the most important stress reducing drastically crop production in Tunisia. Therefore, it is imperative to develop drought tolerant barley and durum wheat variety. This study aims to screen for water stress tolerance among generated variability of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum). Two commercial genotypes of barley "Rihane" and durum wheat "Maali" were exposed to three levels of γ-irradiation; 100 Gy, 150 Gy and 250 Gy. Selection was set up on M2 using early vigor (Z14) and stay green phenotype (Z59) parameters which allowed to identify 70 and 167 potential mutants of barley and durum wheat, respectively. All selected mutants were assessed for morphological, physiological and yield variability compared to control. Selected barley mutants showed higher yield components than the average non-irradiated controls. Durum wheat M2 selected mutants showed higher agro-morphological parameters under all gamma irradiations. Higher number and fertile tillers were observed under low irradiation levels of 100 and 150 Gy, respectively. Photosynthesis activity evaluated by Fv/Fm and Fv/F0 was improved under 100 Gy. Besides, yield components were also improved mostly under 250 Gy. Furthermore, results showed that δ15N (‰) and δ13C (‰) measured on M3 kernels were not able to discriminate tolerant mutant. All measured parameters will be used in further generations to ass the variability and the efficiency of mutation breeding process on barley and durum wheat.
Keywords:Barley, durum wheat, drought stress, gamma irradiation
Fig1. Evolution of irrigation, evapotranspiration and rainfall during 2018-2019 crop season at
Echbika experimental station
Baraket, M., Ounissi, W., Hassine, M., Chaouachi, L., Jallouli, S., Sarsu, F., Aly, A., Slama, O. A., Hammami, Z., Chamekh, Z., Zouari, I., Ayadi, S., Amara, H. S., Karmous, C., & Trifa, Y. (2022). Pre-Field Screening of Potential Barley and Durum Wheat Mutants for Drought Tolerance. Asian Journal of Research in Biosciences, 4(1), 1-11. Retrieved from https://www.globalpresshub.com/index.php/AJORIB/article/view/1394